
Why will i use explicit instantiation of a function template, for a type? If I do not use explicit instantiation of the function, the template is used to create the necessary function then what is the use of explicit instantiation?

template <class Any>
void Swap (Any &, Any &);
// template prototype

template <> void Swap<job>(job &, job &);
// explicit specialization for job

int main(void)

template void Swap<char>(char &, char &); 
// explicit instantiation for char

short a, b;
// implicit template instantiation for short

job n, m;
Swap(n, m);
// use explicit specialization for job

char g, h;
Swap(g, h);
// use explicit template instantiation for char


In the above eg. explicit instantiation is done for char type. What is the use of this?? If the compiler can make use of the template to make a fn for char type.

If there are any refrences that can help me clear my concept, pls do include those.


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于 2013-03-01T13:47:52.710 回答