First of all I would like to say I am beginner and I did some research on this issue

I created five classes superbase, base and 3 derived:

class superbase

    QList<base*> listofbase;  //Composition relation between super base and base

    // some other attributes 


    superbase(); // or other overloaded constructor


class base
    int i;




class derived1 : // Which inheritance should be used with base
    int j;


    derived1();   // or other overloaded constructor


class derived2 : // Which inheritance should be used with base
    int k;


    derived2();   // or other overloaded constructor


class derived3: // Which inheritance should be used with base
    int l;


    derived3();   // or other overloaded constructor

  • superbase and base have composition relation
  • derived1, derived2, derived3 inherit only from base not superbase
  • There are no methods the classes
  • I also tried virtual inheritance, but I am not getting it properly, as everywhere people mention about a "diamond problem" but this is not the same.

My Task

  • I am supposed to create multiple objects of base class as private attribute of superbase class( QList< base* > listofbase; ). Each object of base class can contain multiple objects of derived classes (derived1, derived2 or derived3).


  1. How can I create objects for the derived class so that all derived class share only one single copy of base class object ?
  2. Which inheritance must be used in derived classes to generate only single copy of base object?

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于 2013-03-01T14:05:49.083 回答