我假设您知道如何根据需要创建 sql 语句以及如何从 .NET 中的数据库中检索数据。这意味着唯一的问题实际上是从 Outlook 发送这个。
using System;
using System.Text;
using Outlook = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;
namespace OutlookAddIn1
class Sample
public static void SendEmailFromAccount(Outlook.Application application, string subject, string body, string to, string smtpAddress)
// Create a new MailItem and set the To, Subject, and Body properties.
Outlook.MailItem newMail = (Outlook.MailItem)application.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem);
newMail.To = to;
newMail.Subject = subject;
newMail.Body = body;
// Retrieve the account that has the specific SMTP address.
Outlook.Account account = GetAccountForEmailAddress(application, smtpAddress);
// Use this account to send the e-mail.
newMail.SendUsingAccount = account;
public static Outlook.Account GetAccountForEmailAddress(Outlook.Application application, string smtpAddress)
// Loop over the Accounts collection of the current Outlook session.
Outlook.Accounts accounts = application.Session.Accounts;
foreach (Outlook.Account account in accounts)
// When the e-mail address matches, return the account.
if (account.SmtpAddress == smtpAddress)
return account;
throw new System.Exception(string.Format("No Account with SmtpAddress: {0} exists!", smtpAddress));
我的建议是跳过使用 Outlook,除非确实有必要,而是通过直接与 SMTP 服务器通信来发送电子邮件。
只需搜索“如何从 C# 发送电子邮件”或类似内容,您就会找到大量示例。