
基本上我正在用 php 和 HTML 创建一个基于事件的预订系统,代码是粗体的

<?php    // editappt.php    // Edit appointment calendar items    //
    List globals for reference    global $link, $result, $time, $date,
    $idx, $submit_err, $cmd, $begtime, $endtime, $subj, $notes, $idx;   
    // Return the variables from GET    function get_vars()    {
            global  $date, $time, $submit_err;
            foreach($_GET as $key => $value)
                 $key = $value;
            }    }   /* Return the variables from POST -- doing this AFTER processing GET variables ensures that POST variables are not altered
    by the URL */   function post_vars()   {
        foreach($_POST as $key => $value)
          global $key;
          $key = $value;
          print $value;
        }   }   // Open connection to DB   function open_db()   {
        $db = "calendar";
        $link = mysql_connect(localhost,root,"") or die("Could not connect to server! Error: ".mysql_error());
        mysql_select_db($db,$link) or die("Could not select $db! Error: ".mysql_error());
        return($link);   }   // Get the appt for the specified date and time   function get_appt($date,$time)   {
        global $link;
        $query = "SELECT * FROM appts WHERE date = '$date ' ";
        $query = $query."AND (\"$time\" >= begtime AND \"$time\" <= endtime)";
        $result = mysql_query($query,$link) or die("Query Error!<p>Query: $query<p> Error: " + mysql_error());
        // Return the results
        return($result);   }   // Print the appt form for $date   function print_appt($result)   {      print $link + $date + $time +
    $submit_err + $begtime + $endtime + $subj + $notes + $idx;   }
        // Assemble select list "name" from first to last by step
        //   match = initially selected item, time = format for time    function print_list($name,$first,$last,$step,$match,$time)    {
            print "<select name=\"$name\" size=\"1\">";
            if ($tmp == $match)
                echo " selected";
                echo ">$tmp\n";
                        $tmp = $x;
             for ($x = $first; $x <= $last; $x=$x+$step)
                        echo "\t<option";
                        if ($time)
                            $tmp = date("H:i",$x);
                         echo "</select>\n";
            $this_script = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
        // If this isnt a redisplay because of error, init vars
        if (!$submit_err)
            $begtime = $time;
            $endtime = $time;
            $subj = "";
            $notes = "";
            $idx = 0;
            $cmd = "write";
          // Get fields for appt, if one exists
          // (else use values above)
        while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC))
              $begtime = substr($line[begtime],0,5);
              $endtime = substr($line[endtime],0,5);
              $subj = $line[subj];
              $notes = $line[notes];
              $idx = $line[idx];
              $cmd = "update";
          }    }  // Start form with state fields (hidden)  print <<<HTML  <html>  <body>  <form action="$this_script" method="post"> 
    <input type="hidden" name="date" value="$date">  <input
    type="hidden" name="cmd" value="$cmd">  <input type="hidden"
    name="idx" value="$idx">  <table border="0" width="100%">  HTML;   
    echo "<tr>\n\t<td colspan=\"2\">\n";    // Display date in M D and Y
    select lists    print_list("month",1,12,1,substr($date,5,2),FALSE); 
    print_list("day",1,31,1,substr($date,8,2),FALSE);    $year =
    print_list("year",$year-1,$year+2,1,$year,FALSE);    echo "<p>\n";  
    // Display beginning and ending time in two    //  select lists   
    $sttm = strtotime("00:00");    print_list("begtime",$sttm,($sttm +
                  ,$begtime,TRUE);    echo "&nbsp;to&nbsp;";    print_list("endtime",$sttm,($sttm + (1800*47)),1800
                  ,$endtime,TRUE);    echo "\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n\t<td colspan=\"2\">&nbsp;";    // Print any error from last submission   
    if ($submit_err) {
         echo "<font color=\"red\">ERROR: ";
         echo "$submit_err</font>\n";    }    print "\t</td>\n</tr>\n";  // Display Subject and Notes  print <<<HTML  </select><p>  <tr>   
    <td width="10%">Subject:</td>    <td><input type="text" name="subj"
            size="40" maxlength="40"></td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>Notes:</td>    <td>    <textarea cols="40" rows="5" name="notes"
         wrap="virtual">$notes</textarea>    </td>  </tr>  </table>  <p>  <input type="submit" name="OK" value="OK">  &nbsp;&nbsp;  <input
    type="submit" value="Cancel" onclick="self.close()">  </form> 
    </body>  </html>  HTML;  // Decode submission and write to DB  //  
    $cmd = whether to overwrite (rewrite) or insert (write)  function
    write_appt($idx,$date,$begtime,$endtime,$subj,$notes,$cmd)  { 
        global $link;    // Check to make sure beginning time doesnt run
    into another appt    $query = "SELECT idx,begtime,endtime,subj FROM
    appts WHERE date = \"$date\" AND ". "\"".$begtime."\" >= begtime AND
    \"".$begtime."\" <= endtime";    $result = mysql_query($query,$link)
    or die("Query Error!<p>Query: $query<p>Error: " mysql_error());   
    // If overlap (conflict) found, display error    while ($line =
    mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC))    {
         if ($line[idx] != $idx)
           $errtext = "Conflict: ".substr($line[begtime],0,5)."-" + substr($line[endtime],0,5).":".$line[subj];
         }    }    // Check to make sure ending time doesnt run into another appt    $query = "SELECT idx,begtime,endtime,subj FROM appts
             WHERE date = \"$date\" AND ".
                "\"".$endtime."\" >= begtime AND \"".$endtime."\" <=
         endtime";    $result = mysql_query($query,$link)
         or die("Query Error!<p>Query: $query<p>Error:
               ".mysql_error());    // If overlap (conflict) found, display error    while ($line =
    mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
         if ($line[idx] != $idx) {
           $errtext = "Conflict: ".substr($line[begtime],0,5)."-".
                       substr($line[endtime],0,5)." : ".$line[subj];
         }    }    // Build appropriate query    if ($cmd == "update") {
         $query = "UPDATE appts SET
                    "subj='$subj',notes='$notes' WHERE idx = '$idx'";    } else {
         $query = "INSERT INTO appts VALUES
         ('0','$date','$begtime','$endtime','$subj','$notes','0')";    }    // Handle query    $result = mysql_query($query,$link)
         or die("Query Error!<p>Query: $query<p>
               Error:  ".mysql_error());  // Close page if no errors  print <<<HTML  <html>  <body>  <form>  Appointment Saved.<p>  <input
    type="button" value="Close" onclick="self.close()">  </form> 
    </body>  </html>  HTML;  }  // Main program body  $link = open_db();
    // Called with POST arguments?  //  (From another iteration of this
    script)  if (!empty($_POST))    {       $submit_err = "";   // Get POST
            post_vars();    // Properly format date (leading zeros on M & D)    if (strlen($month) == 1) { $month = "0".$month; }    if
    (strlen($day) == 1)   { $day = "0".$day; }    $date =
    $year."-".$month."-".$day;    // Proper date?    if
    (!checkdate($month,$day,$year))    {
         $submit_err = "Invalid Date!";
         print_appt($result);    }    // Valid start and end times? (start < end)?    if (strtotime($begtime) > strtotime($endtime))   
         $submit_err = "Invalid Start Time!";
         print_appt($result);    }    // Subject exists?    if (strlen($subj) == 0)    {
         $submit_err = "Subject is Blank!";
         print_appt($result);    }    // Attempt write and err on conflicting appt    if (!$submit_error)    {
         $conflict = write_appt($idx,$date,$begtime, $endtime,$subj,$notes,$cmd);
         if ($conflict)
             $submit_err = $conflict;
         }    } / else  {    // Called with GET arguments?    //  (From calendar)    // Get GET data and print edit form    get_vars();   
    $result = get_appt($date,$time);    print_appt($result);  }  //
    Close DB  mysql_close($link);  ?>}

我在第 320 行不断收到一个语法错误,说文件意外结束,谁能告诉我如何以及在哪里修复该错误。enter code here


4 回答 4


尽管代码的格式很糟糕,但快速浏览一下就会告诉我它以 结尾?>},什么时候应该是}?>

于 2013-03-01T09:53:11.823 回答



} ?>
于 2013-03-01T09:54:27.500 回答


 if ($line[idx] != $idx)
           $errtext = "Conflict: ".substr($line[begtime],0,5)."-" + substr($line[endtime],0,5).":".$line[subj];
         }    }    // Check to make sure ending time doesnt run into another appt    $query = "SELECT idx,begtime,endtime,subj FROM appts
             WHERE date = \"$date\" AND ".
                "\"".$endtime."\" >= begtime AND \"".$endtime."\" <=
         endtime";    $result = mysql_query($query,$link)
         or die("Query Error!<p>Query: $query<p>Error:
               ".mysql_error());    // If overlap (conflict) found, display error    while ($line =
    mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
         if ($line[idx] != $idx) {

你有太多的 " 破坏了代码流,这在网站上启用代码突出显示时很明显,因为它开始将 php 着色为通常用于字符串的纯红色。

我建议你开始计算你的 " 并检查任何内联是否用 \ 等正确转义。


WHERE date = \"$date\" AND ".
于 2013-03-01T09:54:54.220 回答

or die("Query Error!<p>Query: $query<p>Error: " mysql_error()); 也是一个错误。

于 2013-03-01T09:55:34.827 回答