我使用带有 2 个计算节点和 1 个头节点的扭矩 pbs 配置了一个集群。我使用 qsub 命令(如 qsub myscript.sh)提交了作业

myscript.sh 包含一些 shell 代码。该脚本在任何计算节点中都成功执行,结果我得到了一些输出文件。这种类型的作业提交和执行非常容易。但是我在以下方面面临很多问题......

我有一个用 C 语言编写的带有 libpcap 依赖项的网络数据包捕获模块。我的要求是这样的。我想将此程序提交到不同的计算节点(computenode-0-0,computenode-0-1)。因此,无论所有数据包都到达头节点,这些数据包都将由我在计算节点中运行的程序处理。

我将如何提交 C 程序?计算节点如何进行负载均衡?我必须在集群中做哪些额外的配置?


1 回答 1


This is a pretty broad question that I don't think can be answered with the information provided. Hopefully I can help at least a little bit.

Q: How do you submit the c program? A: Looks like you already submitted it correctly, [ qsub someProgram.sh -l walltime=x....] If you want to interact with the program while it is running, then look at interactive jobs. http://docs.adaptivecomputing.com/torque/2-5-12/help.htm#topics/commands/qsub.htm

Q: How is load balancing done on the compute node? A: Torque does not do any load balancing (exception is mom hierarchy ). Here is the life cycle of a job: 1. job is sent to pbs_server from the submit host 2. pbs_server sends the script to 1 of the nodes (called the mother superior) 3. The mother superior executes the script and queries the other nodes through the TM interface. (The job does not actually run on every node)

Q: What configuration do you have to do in the cluster? A: Too vague.

于 2013-03-27T20:19:01.590 回答