我正在使用 cmp 将击键与其类别中的最大值和/或最小值进行比较(例如,如果击键的 ASCII 代码高于 0x7F,则它是可打印字符)
是不是密钥需要更多处理才能根据 ASCII 值进行比较?
segment .data
controlKey: db "Control Key", 10
controlLen: equ $-controlKey
printableKey: db "Printable", 10
printableLen: equ $-printableKey
decimalKey: db "Decimal", 10
decimalLen: equ $-decimalKey
segment .bss
key resb 2
segment .text
global main
mov eax, 3 ; system call 3 to get input
mov ebx, 0 ; standart input device
mov ecx, key ; pointer to id
mov edx, 2 ; take in this many bytes
int 0x80
control: ; check if it's a control key
mov ebx, 31 ; highest control key
mov edx, key
cmp edx, ebx
jg printable
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, controlKey
mov edx, controlLen
int 0x80
; jmp exit ; It's obviously not any of the other categories
printable: ; Tell that it's a printable symbol
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, printableKey
mov edx, printableLen
int 0x80
mov ebx, 30h ; smallest decimal ASCII
mov edx, key
cmp edx, ebx
jl uppercase
mov ebx, 39h ; test against 9
cmp edx, ebx
jg uppercase
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, decimalKey
mov edx, decimalLen
int 0x80
mov eax, 4 ; system call 4 for output
mov ebx, 1 ; standard output device
mov ecx, key ; move the content into ecx
mov edx, 1 ; tell edx how many bytes
int 0x80 ;
mov eax, 1
xor ebx, ebx
int 0x80