我正在尝试加载一个 *.wav 文件,它是一个 microsoft wav/8bit pcm 文件。我正在使用以下代码加载数据:

class WavFile : public AudioSource, public LoadableObject
    WavFile( void )
        : AudioSource()
        , LoadableObject()
    { }

    virtual concurrency::task<void> Load( Platform::String^ path )
        buffer = nullptr;

        BasicReaderWriter^ rw = ref new BasicReaderWriter();
        return rw->ReadDataAsync( path ).then([this, path]( const Platform::Array<byte>^ arr ){

            DWORD chunkId = 0, fileSize = 0, chunkSize = 0, extra = 0;

            ByteStream stream( arr );

            stream.ReadData( &chunkId, sizeof( chunkId ) );
            //chunkId = stream.ReadDWORD();
            char test[4];
            for(unsigned int i=0; i <4; i++)
                test[i] = ((char *)&chunkId)[i];
            if ( chunkId != 'FFIR' ) throw ref new Platform::FailureException( L"Could not get RIFF chunk in file " + path + L", chunkId=" + chunkId.ToString() );

            fileSize = stream.ReadDWORD();
            if ( fileSize <= 16 ) throw ref new Platform::FailureException( L"Wave file size is too small; " + path );

            extra = stream.ReadDWORD();
            for(unsigned int i=0; i <4; i++)
                test[i] = ((char *)&extra)[i];
            if ( extra != 'EVAW' ) throw ref new Platform::FailureException( L"Could not get WAVE chunk in file " + path + L", chunkId=" + chunkId.ToString() );

            bool formatChunk = false;
            for(unsigned int i = 12; i < fileSize; )
                stream.Seek( i, true );
                chunkId = stream.ReadDWORD();
                stream.Seek( i + 4, true );
                chunkSize = stream.ReadDWORD();
                if ( chunkId = ' tmf' )
                    stream.Seek( i + 8, true );
                    stream.ReadData( &waveFormat, sizeof( WAVEFORMATEX ) );
                    formatChunk = true;

                chunkSize += 8 + 1;
                chunkSize &= 0xfffffffe;
                stream.Seek( chunkSize, false );
                i += chunkSize;
            if ( !formatChunk ) throw ref new Platform::FailureException( L"Could not get fmt chunk in file " + path );

            bool filledData = false;
            for(unsigned int j=12; j < fileSize; )
                stream.Seek( j, true );
                chunkId = stream.ReadDWORD();
                for(unsigned int i=0; i <4; i++)
                    test[i] = ((char *)&chunkId)[i];
                stream.Seek( j + 4, true );
                chunkSize = stream.ReadDWORD();
                if ( chunkId == 'atad' )
                    byte *bufferData = new byte[chunkSize];
                    stream.Seek( j + 8, true );
                    stream.ReadData( bufferData, chunkSize );
                    buffer = ref new Platform::Array<byte>( bufferData, (unsigned int)chunkSize );
                    delete bufferData;

                    xbuffer.AudioBytes = chunkSize;
                    xbuffer.pAudioData = buffer->Data;
                    xbuffer.PlayBegin = 0;
                    xbuffer.PlayLength = 0;

                    filledData = true;
                chunkSize += 8 + 1;
                chunkSize &= 0xfffffffe;
                j += chunkSize;
            if ( !filledData ) throw ref new Platform::FailureException( L"Could not find data chunk in file " + path );


它正确解析 wav 文件,WAVEFORMATEX 数据如下所示:

{ wFormatTag=1, nChannels=2, nSamplesPerSec=22050, nAvgBytesPerSec=44100, nBlockAlign=2, wBitsPerSample=8, cbSize=24932 }

当我调用时instance->CreateSourceVoice( &voice, wave->GetWaveFormat(), 0, XAUDIO2_DEFAULT_FREQ_RATIO, reinterpret_cast<IXAudio2VoiceCallback*>( &voiceIn[id]->callbacks ) ),我得到 HRESULT=0x88960001,其中instance类型为IXAudio2*,我包含在一个类中,它在类中静态共享并使用我的类构造函数/析构函数初始化/销毁:

    if ( instance == nullptr )
        DX::ThrowIfFailed( XAudio2Create( &instance, 0 ) );

    /* Remove all the voices that were added in this audio manager */

    if ( instance_count == 0 )
        instance = nullptr;

我在多个地方读到这个 ​​HRESULT 是某种 Windows 8 错误,一年多没有修复。我不能接受这是一个持续存在的错误,更倾向于认为这是我的代码的问题。你可以在这个 gist 中查看我对 XAudio2 的完整实现


1 回答 1


将 XAudio2SourceVoice* 的 sendList 设置为 NULL 时,IXAudio2 接口必须至少已设置一个主控声音。

于 2013-03-01T15:35:07.767 回答