source2swagger 在一个 json 文件中生成一个包含所有 api 的 swagger 规范。swagger-ui 真的可以使用它吗?当我使用 swagger-ui 探索生成的 json 文件时,它会尝试从规范中的路径读取 api 描述,而不是使用单个 json 文件中的描述/操作。


1 回答 1


Swagger-UI 将处理将所有 json 放在一个文件中。我还不确定是否可以有多个顶级资源列表。


{"basePath":"http://localhost:3001/", "resourcePath":"/", "swaggerVersion":"1.1", "apiVersion":"1.0", "apis":[
        "description":"Create a transaction with the given amount and token.",
                "summary":"Create a transaction with the given amount and token.",
                        "description":"The token representing the pay card",
                        "description":"The amount to pay",
        "description":"Create an HTML form for adding a customer.",
                "summary":"Create an HTML form for adding a customer.",
                        "description":"Your customer id",
        "description":"Delete the customer info for given id.",
                "summary":"Delete the customer info for given id.",
                        "description":"the customer id to delete",
        "description":"Create an HTML form for adding a credit card.",
                "summary":"Create an HTML form for the given customer to add a credit card.",
                        "description":"Your customer id",
        "description":"Delete a card record by token.",
                "summary":"Delete the card info for given token.",
                        "description":"the token to delete",
于 2013-03-01T15:40:11.113 回答