I need a way to cound occurrences of a given Hashtag on Twitter, so that i know exacly how many was found on the twitter.

The main idea was to use the simple "search" API, but, i would need to iterate trough many pages to know exacly how many, and also, there is a "limit" for the page (which is 1500 tweets), so, if there are more than 1500 tweets, i would read it as 1500.

Is there any other "inteligent" and emproved way to do this?



1 回答 1


一句话,没有。从1.1 API 文档

请注意,Twitter 的搜索服务以及扩展的搜索 API 并不意味着是推文的详尽来源。并非所有推文都会被索引或通过搜索界面提供。

您可以做的最好的事情是搜索允许的最大推文并遍历页面。然后,您可以使用下一批 1500 条的参数启动另一个搜索since_id。通过这种方式,您可以在时间上倒退,一次 1500 条推文,只要您愿意(或者只要 Twitter 提供推文可用)。


于 2013-02-28T18:34:16.107 回答