f(input) = Asym/(1+exp((xmid-input)/scal)) # as in ?SSlogis
您可以修改上述语句以满足您的需要,而不是调用SSlogis 。我相信你会想看看性别是否对固定效应有影响。这是在Asym2中修改特定性别的Asym 子群效果的示例代码:
# Just for loading the data, we will use lme4 for model fitting, not nlme
# Careful when loading both nlme and lme4 as they have overlap, strange behaviour may occur
# A more generalized form could be taken e.g. from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalised_logistic_curve
# A custom model structure:
Model <- function(age, Asym, Asym2, xmid, scal, Gender)
# Taken from ?SSlogis, standard form:
# Add gender-specific term to Asym2
# Evaluation of above form is returned by this function
# Model gradient, notice that we include all
# estimated fixed effects like 'Asym', 'Asym2', 'xmid' and 'scal' here,
# but not covariates from the data: 'age' and 'Gender'
ModelGradient <- deriv(
namevec = c("Asym", "Asym2", "xmid", "scal"),
引入性别效应的一种相当典型的方式是使用二进制编码。我会将Sex -变量转换为二进制编码的Gender:
# Binary coding for the gender
Orthodont2 <- data.frame(Orthodont, Gender = as.numeric(Orthodont[,"Sex"])-1)
#> table(Orthodont2[,"Gender"])
# 0 1
#64 44
# Ordering data based on factor levels so they don't mix up paneling in lattice later on
Orthodont2 <- Orthodont2[order(Orthodont2[,"Subject"]),]
# Fit the non-linear mixed effects model
fit <- nlmer(
# Response
distance ~
# Fixed effects
ModelGradient(age = age, Asym, Asym2, xmid, scal, Gender = Gender) ~
# replaces: SSlogis(age,Asym, xmid, scal) ~
# Random effects
(Asym | Subject) + (xmid | Subject),
# Data
data = Orthodont2,
start = c(Asym = 25, Asym2 = 15, xmid = 11, scal = 3))
(Asym+Asym2*0)/(1+exp((xmid-age)/scal)) = (Asym)/(1+exp((xmid-age)/scal))
这实际上是标准的 SSlogis 函数形式。但是,现在有一个二进制开关,如果Gender==1(女性):
所以我们随着年龄的增长达到的渐近水平实际上是Asym + Asym2,而不仅仅是Asym,对于女性个体。
> summary(fit)
Nonlinear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation
Formula: distance ~ ModelGradient(age = age, Asym, Asym2, xmid, scal, Gender = Gender) ~ (Asym | Subject) + (xmid | Subject)
Data: Orthodont2
AIC BIC logLik deviance
268.7 287.5 -127.4 254.7
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
Subject Asym 7.0499 2.6552
Subject xmid 4.4285 2.1044
Residual 1.5354 1.2391
Number of obs: 108, groups: Subject, 27
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error t value
Asym 29.882 1.947 15.350
Asym2 -3.493 1.222 -2.859
xmid 1.240 1.068 1.161
scal 5.532 1.782 3.104
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
Asym Asym2 xmid
Asym2 -0.471
xmid -0.584 0.167
scal 0.901 -0.239 -0.773
看起来可能存在性别特定效应(t -2.859),因此随着“年龄”的增加,女性患者的“距离”值似乎会降低:29.882 - 3.493 = 26.389
我不一定建议这是一个好的/最好的模型,只是展示了如何继续自定义lme4中的非线性模型。如果要提取非线性固定效应,模型的可视化需要一些修改(与如何通过观察提取 lmer 固定效应中的线性模型的可视化类似?):
# Extracting fixed effects components by calling the model function, a bit messy but it works
# I like to do this for visualizing the model fit
fixefmat <- matrix(rep(fixef(fit), times=dim(Orthodont2)[1]), ncol=length(fixef(fit)), byrow=TRUE)
colnames(fixefmat) <- names(fixef(fit))
Orthtemp <- data.frame(fixefmat, Orthodont2)
# see str(Orthtemp)
# Evaluate the function for rows of the attached data.frame to extract fixed effects corresponding to observations
fix = as.vector(as.formula(body(Model)[[2]]))
nobs <- 4 # 4 observations per subject
legend = list(text=list(c("y", "Xb + Zu", "Xb")), lines = list(col=c("blue", "red", "black"), pch=c(1,1,1), lwd=c(1,1,1), type=c("b","b","b")))
distance ~ age | Subject,
data = Orthodont2,
panel = function(x, y, ...){
panel.points(x, y, type='b', col='blue')
panel.points(x, fix[(1+nobs*(panel.number()-1)):(nobs*(panel.number()))], type='b', col='black')
panel.points(x, fitted(fit)[(1+nobs*(panel.number()-1)):(nobs*(panel.number()))], type='b', col='red')
key = legend
# Residuals
plot(Orthodont2[,"distance"], resid(fit), xlab="y", ylab="e")
# Distribution of random effects
hist(ranef(fit)[[1]][,1], xlab="Random 'Asym'", main="")
hist(ranef(fit)[[1]][,2], xlab="Random 'xmid'", main="")
# Random 'xmid' seems a bit skewed to the right and may violate normal distribution assumption
# This is due to M13 having a bit abnormal growth curve (random effects):
# Asym xmid
#M13 3.07301310 3.9077583

请注意上图中女性 (F##) 个体如何略低于男性 (M##) 对应物(黑线)。例如,中间区域面板中的 M10 <-> F10 差异。

用于观察指定模型的某些特征的残差和随机效应。个别的 M13 似乎有点棘手。