Using Entity Framework 5, I have a generic method that retrieves entities from my context with optional parameters to filter, include related entities, and set the order of results. When I pass the method a set of include properties, however, it never modifies the query with joins to include the related entities. Any ideas why my query isn't updating?


public virtual IQueryable<TEntity> Get(
    Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> filter = null,
    string includeProperties = "",
    Func<IQueryable<TEntity>, IOrderedQueryable<TEntity>> orderBy = null)
    IQueryable<TEntity> query = dbSet.AsExpandable();

    if (filter != null)
        query = query.Where(filter);

    foreach (var includeProperty in includeProperties.Split
        (new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
        query = query.Include(includeProperty);

    if (orderBy != null)
        return orderBy(query);
        return query;

Query before foreach (var includeProperty... that remains unchanged afterwards

[Extent1].[Pid] AS [Pid],     
[Extent1].[Created] AS [Created], 
[Extent1].[Creator] AS [Creator]
FROM [Administrator] AS [Extent1]}

EDIT...More Info

Originally I was using the following method call: AdministratorDTO admin = unitOfWork.AdministratorComponent.GetByID(userPid); on the following POCO class:

public virtual TEntity GetByID(object id)
    return dbSet.Find(id);

public class Administrator : IPrincipal
    [Display(Name = "PID")]
    public string Pid { get; set; }

    public DateTime Created { get; set; }

    public string Creator { get; set; }


    public ICollection<Role> Roles { get; set; }

    public ICollection<Area> Areas { get; set; }


And using AutoMapper to map to a DTO with the following configuration:

public class AdministratorDTO
    [Display(Name = "PID")]
    public string Pid { get; set; }


    public string[] Roles { get; set; }

    public string[] Areas { get; set; }

public class WebApiApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication

public static class AutoMapperConfiguration
    public static void Configure()

    private static void ConfigureAdministratorMapping()
        Mapper.CreateMap<Administrator, AdministratorDTO>()
            .ForMember(dest => dest.Roles, 
                opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.Roles == null ? 
                    null : src.Roles.Select(r => r.Name).ToArray())) 
            .ForMember(dest => dest.Areas, 
                opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.Areas == null ?
                    null : src.Areas.Select(a => a.Id).ToArray()));


public class BusinessComponent<TEntity, TDto> 
    : IBusinessComponent<TEntity, TDto>
        where TEntity : class
        where TDto : class
    protected TDto Flatten(TEntity entity)
        return Mapper.Map<TEntity, TDto>(entity);

My understanding was that if I didn't mark the Administrator's navigation properties (Areas and Roles) as virtual they would be eagerly loaded, but I kept getting an empty string[] in my DTO.

I looked at the TEntity parameter going into my Flatten method and Areas/Roles were null before I called Map, so I don't think it was something to do with AutoMapper.

Next I tried using the following method call:

AdministratorDTO admin = unitOfWork.AdministratorComponent
    .Get(filter: a => a.Pid == "csherman", includeProperties: "Roles, Areas")

Finally, just in case the Include was being ignored because the navigation properties were not virtual, I added the virtual keyword to both Areas and Roles on my Administrator class. When I did this, both the GetByID and the Get(filter: ..., includeProperties: ...) methods worked, thereby including the Areas/Roles in my TEntity Flatten parameter and populating the string arrays in my DTO.

Problem solved I suppose, but...

Question is, especially for the GetById method, why did it work with the virtual keyword but not without?

If EF actually factors in the projection from the time of the original method call, why would these entities be included?


2 回答 2




一个处理它的 SO question。


不过,这就是我认为正在发生的事情:virtual导航属性上的关键字告诉实体框架该属性应该使用延迟加载。如果有时您想急切地加载它们,那么您将使用Include. 我认为这Include就是构建的目的。我认为它试图专门寻找virtual具有该名称的属性,当它找不到它时,它会优雅地死去,无一例外。如果您不标记它,因为virtual我认为它的实现Include完全错过了它。我的猜测基于这样一个事实,即我所看到的所有文章都没有在Include延迟加载的上下文之外提到它——这意味着使用virtual关键字。

于 2013-02-28T16:53:27.597 回答


Include是泄漏的抽象,它仅适用于实体框架。EF 4.1 已经包含Include了泛型IQueryable,但它在内部仅将传递的泛型转换IQueryable为泛型ObjectQueryDbQuery并调用它们的Include.



您似乎正在使用 LinqKit:

IQueryable<TEntity> query = dbSet.AsExpandable();


为什么它与 virtual 关键字一起工作,但不是没有?


于 2015-06-21T13:20:34.303 回答