在 Linux 下,我的 C++ 应用程序使用 fork() 和 execv() 来启动多个 OpenOffice 实例,以便查看一些幻灯片放映。这部分有效。
接下来,我希望能够将 OpenOffice 窗口移动到显示器上的特定位置。我可以使用 XMoveResizeWindow() 函数来做到这一点,但我需要为每个实例找到窗口。
我有每个实例的进程 ID,如何从中找到 X11 窗口?
更新- 感谢安迪的建议,我已经完成了这个。我在此处发布代码以与 Stack Overflow 社区分享。
不幸的是,Open Office 似乎没有设置 _NET_WM_PID 属性,所以这并不能最终解决我的问题,但它确实回答了这个问题。
// Attempt to identify a window by name or attribute.
// by Adam Pierce <adam@doctort.org>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
class WindowsMatchingPid
WindowsMatchingPid(Display *display, Window wRoot, unsigned long pid)
: _display(display)
, _pid(pid)
// Get the PID property atom.
_atomPID = XInternAtom(display, "_NET_WM_PID", True);
if(_atomPID == None)
cout << "No such atom" << endl;
const list<Window> &result() const { return _result; }
unsigned long _pid;
Atom _atomPID;
Display *_display;
list<Window> _result;
void search(Window w)
// Get the PID for the current Window.
Atom type;
int format;
unsigned long nItems;
unsigned long bytesAfter;
unsigned char *propPID = 0;
if(Success == XGetWindowProperty(_display, w, _atomPID, 0, 1, False, XA_CARDINAL,
&type, &format, &nItems, &bytesAfter, &propPID))
if(propPID != 0)
// If the PID matches, add this window to the result set.
if(_pid == *((unsigned long *)propPID))
// Recurse into child windows.
Window wRoot;
Window wParent;
Window *wChild;
unsigned nChildren;
if(0 != XQueryTree(_display, w, &wRoot, &wParent, &wChild, &nChildren))
for(unsigned i = 0; i < nChildren; i++)
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if(argc < 2)
return 1;
int pid = atoi(argv[1]);
cout << "Searching for windows associated with PID " << pid << endl;
// Start with the root window.
Display *display = XOpenDisplay(0);
WindowsMatchingPid match(display, XDefaultRootWindow(display), pid);
// Print the result.
const list<Window> &result = match.result();
for(list<Window>::const_iterator it = result.begin(); it != result.end(); it++)
cout << "Window #" << (unsigned long)(*it) << endl;
return 0;