尽可能地清理代码以显示我的问题。基本上它是一个八叉树搜索+相交。intersect 函数来自一个 SDK(整个项目是一个 rhino 的插件)。如果我用交叉调用进行循环,它比通过八叉树的递归搜索快 10 倍。甚至更奇怪 - 我隔离了 intersect 调用的时间 - 在递归内部它比循环慢 8 倍。它的行为可能有 1000 个原因,但我希望我犯了一些明显的错误,有人可以通过查看代码来发现。
public void NewRayCast()
int runs = 500000; //how many rays we cast
Point3d raypos = new Point3d(0, 0, 0); //raystart
Ray3d ray = new Ray3d();
Random r = new Random(); //here we create targets to scatter the ray directions
Vector3d[] targets = new Vector3d[runs];
for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
targets[i] = new Vector3d(r.NextDouble() * 200 - 100, 500, r.NextDouble() * 200 - 100);
for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
boxes = new List<int>(); // this collects the octree leaves the rays hits
rayline.From = ray.Position;
rayline.To = ray.Position + ray.Direction;
LineBoxer(starter); // this starts the raycasting - starter is a array with 1 value (the scene bounding box)
public void LineBoxer(int[] check) // Cast a ray against boxes
for (int i = 0; i < check.Length; i++) // check only because the first call is with the scene box (1 index)
if (octmanB.node[check[i]].closed == false) // if node is a dead end > empty we skip it
isect = Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.LineBox(rayline, octmanB.node[check[i]].bbox, 0, out ival); // intersection function, changing to an arbitrary bounding box doesnt speed it up either
if (isect == true)
if (octmanB.node[check[i]].leaf == false) // continue with recursion
boxes.Add(check[i]); // here we have a leaf
public void FasterTestRun()
int runs = 500000;
Line line = new Line(new Point3d(1, 1, 1), new Point3d(0, 1000, 0));
BoundingBox box = new BoundingBox(new Point3d(-50, 50, -50), new Point3d(50, 150, 50));
bool isect;
Interval v = new Interval();
Random r = new Random();
Point3d[] targets = new Point3d[runs];
for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
targets[i] = new Point3d(r.NextDouble() * 20 - 10, 1000, r.NextDouble() * 20 - 10);
for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
line.To = targets[i];
isect = Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.LineBox(line, box, 0, out v);