在 ASP MVC 中,您没有使用 web.config 文件中定义的属性为您的站点生成配置文件对象。Profile
(请参阅 msdn),并且不包含自定义配置文件属性的强类型属性。您可能还知道,在请求开始时为登录用户加载此配置文件,并且在请求结束时保存任何更改。
- 直接使用 ProfileBase 类
- 创建派生的自定义配置文件类。
,您需要使用控制器方法中的实例或获取给定用户名的实例。然后您应该使用索引器来访问配置文件属性。假设您的控制器方法收到一个 UserModel 类型的对象,其中包含您的用户数据,例如电子邮件和 BadgerName,那么您可以编写如下代码:
//Getting the instance from the controller property:
ProfileBase profile = this.Profile; //or even: this.HttpContext.Profile
//You can also get the profile for a given existing user.
ProfileBase profile = ProfileBase.Create(userModel.Name);
//Then update properties using indexer
profile["Email"] = userModel.Email;
profile["BadgerName"] = userModel.BadgerName;
//Manually save changes
//(Can be skipped for the profile automatically loaded in the Controller)
但是,如果您从 中创建派生类ProfileBase
,您最终将以与最初预期相同的方式使用您的类。您将基本上创建一个具有强类型属性的包装类,该类使用索引器在内部访问 ProfileBase(方法摘要在这里):
public class MyCustomProfile : ProfileBase
public string Email
get { return base["Email"] as string; }
set { base["Email"] = value; }
public string BadgerName
get { return base["BadgerName"] as string; }
set { base["BadgerName"] = value; }
//If needed, you can provide methods to recover profiles
//for the logged in user or any user given its user name
public static MyCustomProfile GetCurrent()
return Create(Membership.GetUser().UserName) as MyCustomProfile;
public static MyCustomProfile GetProfile(string userName)
return Create(userName) as MyCustomProfile;
web.config 的元素具有inherits
<profile enabled="true" defaultProvider="DefaultProfileProvider" inherits="yourNamespace.MyCustomProfile">
//Cast the Profile property of the controller to your custom class
MyCustomProfile profile = this.Profile as MyCustomProfile // or even: HttpContext.Profile as MyCustomProfile
//You could also manually load the profile for given an user name
profile = MyCustomProfile.GetProfile(userModel.Name);
//Or even manually load the profile for the logged in user
profile = MyCustomProfile.GetCurrent();
//Now get/set the profile properties using the strongly typed properties of your class
profile.Email= userModel.Email;
profile.BadgerName= userModel.BadgerName;
//Manually save changes
//(Can be skipped for the profile automatically loaded in the Controller)