如何调整这个 Google 新闻脚本 - 我假设使用变量 - 将当前年份和当前月份放在布尔搜索中 - 具体来说,以“tabbed.execute(...?”
google.load('search', '1');
function OnLoad() {
// create a tabbed mode search control
var tabbed = new google.search.SearchControl();
// create our searchers. There will now be 4 tabs.
tabbed.addSearcher(new google.search.VideoSearch());
tabbed.addSearcher(new google.search.NewsSearch());
tabbed.addSearcher(new google.search.BlogSearch());
tabbed.addSearcher(new google.search.ImageSearch());
// draw in tabbed layout mode
var drawOptions = new google.search.DrawOptions();
// Draw the tabbed view in the content div
tabbed.draw(document.getElementById("stephennews"), drawOptions);
// Search!
tabbed.execute("'SEARCHTERM1' AND 'SEARCHTERM2' AND '2013' AND 'MARCH'");