We have the following code:
private void MainForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void RepositionForm()
Rectangle rect = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea;
this.Width = 100;
this.Height = 117;
this.TopMost = true;
this.Left = rect.Width - this.Width - 1;
this.Top = rect.Height - this.Height - 1;
When we launch the app from Visual Studio - the form is shown of correct size: 100x117. However, when we launch the project by launching EXE file, the form size is 106x127.
The MinimumSize, MaximumSize and Size properties are set to 100x117.
WindowsState = Minimized
ShowIcon = False
ShowInTaskbar = False
Topmost = True
MinimizeBox - False
MaximizeBox = False
FormBorderSize = FixedDialog
ControlBox = True
How can that happen that there's even a difference between how the app is launched?