I want to change the start level for a bundle in my glassfish. I used equinox as osgi runtime.

I changed the configuration file glassfish\config\osgi.properties and add the folowing line:


When I connect via telnet and search the bundle with "lb bundleid" I see in the level column 1 instead of 5.

Can anyone help me? What is the problem with my configuration?

Thanks Marco.


1 回答 1


您可以通过更新以下项目在 ${GF_HONE}/glassfish/config/osgi.properties 中进行更改:

# What should be the initial start level of framework. 
# For performance reason, initially we set the start level to 1 so that no optional
# bundles can get activated while server is still starting. Once server is started,
# the framework's start level is set to whatever is configured in glassfish.osgi.start.level.final property.

# Set bundle start level to be same or less than that of framework, 
# otherwise HK2 installed bundles won't be activated.
# See issue #5934
于 2013-04-15T08:25:22.773 回答