// Driver class
import java.util.Scanner;
public class DriverClass{
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner stdIn = new Scanner(System.in);
Fraction c, d;
System.out.println(" Enter a numerator then a denominator:");
c = new Fraction( stdIn.nextInt(), stdIn.nextInt());
System.out.println(" Enter a numerator then a denominator:");
d = new Fraction( stdIn.nextInt(), stdIn.nextInt());
在我的分数类中,我有一个称为公共分数的方法。这将如何设置来自扫描仪实用程序的驱动程序类中的分数 c 的两个数字,而且 c 值是否会被来自分数 d 的值替换?我正在上 Java 课,这是我不明白的家庭作业的一部分。我试图将这些值传递给分数类,因为最后我必须将这两个分数加在一起并将它们相乘。
// begining of class
public class Fraction{
private int numerator;
private int denominator;
// well this is what my problem is, how do I call for c
// twice in the Fraction class
public int Fraction(int num, int denom){
this.numerator = num;
this.denominator = denom;
// is this the right way to recieve the fraction
// from the driver class for both c and d?