我最近通过一些试验和错误了解到,使用 JavaScript SDK 对 Facebook 图形 API 的请求有时会返回以下错误

"message":"An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.",

2 回答 2


快速但有点脏的解决方案是将您的 access_token 作为参数添加到每个请求中,而不是依赖 JavaScript SDK 为您执行此操作:

//request to get profile information for the current user
FB.api("me", {
access_token: "<access-token-for-user>"
}, function(response){
//handle response here


通常,您将通过使用用户的 access_token 作为参数调用 FB.init 来启动客户端应用程序。这是为了确保任何 FB.api 请求都将通过将您的 access_token 附加到 Facebook 图的 GET 请求来进行身份验证。但是,在某些情况下,您的令牌可能会突然从应用程序会话中消失,并且由于对 Facebook 图表的 GET 请求中不存在令牌,对图表的所有请求都将失败。

一种可重现的场景是发送 FB.api 请求以评论已删除的 facebook 帖子。这样做会返回 OAuth Exception 错误并错误地从当前会话中删除令牌。

By adding the token manually to all of your FB.api requests, you can ensure the token is always included.
于 2013-02-28T06:47:02.937 回答

请检查此代码,访问令牌在 url 中发送:


$facebook_appid         = "facebook_appid";                                 // Facebook appplication id
$facebook_secret        = "facebook_secret";                // Facebook secret id
$facebook_pageid        = "facebook_pageid";                                // Facebook secret id
$redirect_uri           = "https://localhost/facebook_page/events.php";   // return url to our application after facebook login ## should be SAME as in facebook application
//$redirect_uri         = "https://localhost/facebook_page/fb_login.php";   // return url to our application after facebook login ## should be SAME as in facebook application
$scope                  = "user_photos,email,user_birthday,user_online_presence,offline_access,manage_pages,publish_stream,user_events,friends_events"; // User permission for facebook

$code                   = $_REQUEST["code"]?$_REQUEST["code"]:"";

if(empty($code)) {
    $_SESSION['state']  = time(); // CSRF protection
    $dialog_url         = "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=". $facebook_appid . "&redirect_uri=" . urlencode($redirect_uri) . "&state=". $_SESSION['state'] . "&scope=".$scope;

if($_SESSION['state'] && ($_SESSION['state'] == $_REQUEST['state'])) {
    $token_url          = "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?". "client_id=" . $facebook_appid . "&redirect_uri=" . urlencode($redirect_uri). "&client_secret=" . $facebook_secret . "&code=" . $code;
    $response           = @file_get_contents($token_url);

    $params             = null;
    parse_str($response, $params);

    $account_url        = "https://graph.facebook.com/".$facebook_pageid."?fields=access_token&access_token=".$params['access_token'];
    $resp               = @file_get_contents($account_url);

    $dt                 =   json_decode($resp);

    echo $dt->access_token;
    echo "<br>";
    echo $dt->id;

    $offer_url        = "https://graph.facebook.com/".$dt->id."/feed?access_token=".$dt->access_token;
    $off                = @file_get_contents($offer_url);
    $dto                = json_decode($off);

    echo "<pre>";


于 2013-02-28T06:54:39.930 回答