我有这个让我难过的家庭作业。我有一个24 小时制的时钟,它由两个 numberDisplay对象组成。 numberDisplay对象有一个限制器来控制它们,因此当分钟数达到 60 时,它会回滚到零并增加小时数。当小时数达到 24 时,它会回滚到零。

我的任务是将其从 24 小时制更改为 12 小时制,但我无法更改对象的任何内容。只有他们如何互动


private void updateDisplay()
    int functionHours = Integer.parseInt(hours.getDisplayValue());
    String amPM = "AM";
    if ( functionHours == 0 ) {
        amPM = "AM";
    else if ( functionHours > 0 && functionHours < 12 )
        amPM = "AM";
    else if ( functionHours == 12 ) {
        amPM = "PM";
    else if ( functionHours > 12 && functionHours <= 23 ) {
        functionHours -= 12;
        amPM ="PM";
    displayString = hours.getDisplayValue() + ":" + minutes.getDisplayValue() + " " + amPM;

但是,当 hours.value 从 23 变回零时,时钟拒绝变回 AM。我很难过如何做到这一点。

NumberDisplay 对象:

 * The NumberDisplay class represents a digital number display that can hold
 * values from zero to a given limit. The limit can be specified when creating
 * the display. The values range from zero (inclusive) to limit-1. If used,
 * for example, for the seconds on a digital clock, the limit would be 60, 
 * resulting in display values from 0 to 59. When incremented, the display 
 * automatically rolls over to zero when reaching the limit.
 * @author Michael Kölling and David J. Barnes
 * @version 2011.07.31
public class NumberDisplay
    private int limit;
    private int value;

     * Constructor for objects of class NumberDisplay.
     * Set the limit at which the display rolls over.
    public NumberDisplay(int rollOverLimit)
        limit = rollOverLimit;
        value = 0;

     * Return the current value.
    public int getValue()
        return value;

     * Return the display value (that is, the current value as a two-digit
     * String. If the value is less than ten, it will be padded with a leading
     * zero).
    public String getDisplayValue()
        if(value < 10) {
            return "0" + value;
        else {
            return "" + value;

     * Set the value of the display to the new specified value. If the new
     * value is less than zero or over the limit, do nothing.
    public void setValue(int replacementValue)
        if((replacementValue >= 0) && (replacementValue < limit)) {
            value = replacementValue;

     * Increment the display value by one, rolling over to zero if the
     * limit is reached.
    public void increment()
        value = (value + 1) % limit;

2 回答 2


考虑一下如果hours.getDisplayValue() == 23在您的代码中会发生什么。在最后一个块中,您可以这样更改:

// functionHours is 23.
else if ( functionHours > 12 && functionHours <= 23 ) { // OK
    functionHours -= 12;  // now functionHours is 11
    hours.setValue(functionHours); // set hours.value to 11 !!
    amPM ="PM";

下一次更新,可能hours.value会增加 1,然后它的值将是12. 但是在您的代码中,该值必须小于 12 才能使 amPM 变为“AM”。这就是为什么它停留在“PM”。

我不完全了解您的要求,但可能您不应该修改hours对象中的值,而是使用装饰器模式在其上添加 12 小时功能。

于 2013-02-28T06:01:08.733 回答


 * Update the internal string that represents the display.
private void updateDisplay()
    int functionHours = Integer.parseInt(hours.getDisplayValue());
    if ( functionHours == 0 ) {
        displayString = "12:" + minutes.getDisplayValue() + " AM";
    else if ( functionHours >= 0 && functionHours < 12 ) {
        displayString = hours.getDisplayValue() + ":" + minutes.getDisplayValue() + " AM";
    else if ( functionHours == 12 ) {
        displayString = hours.getDisplayValue() + ":" + minutes.getDisplayValue() + " PM";
    else if ( functionHours >= 12 && functionHours < 22 ) {
        int tempHours = ( hours.getValue() - 12 );
        displayString = "0" + Integer.toString(tempHours) + ":" + minutes.getDisplayValue() + " PM";
    else if ( functionHours >21 && functionHours < 24 ) {
        displayString = hours.getDisplayValue() + ":" + minutes.getDisplayValue() + " PM";
于 2013-02-28T06:33:21.643 回答