
PROJECT_ID          OPEN_DATE         CLOSE_DATE         OWNER
         1          8/01/2012         09/01/2012          JEFF     
         2          8/08/2012         10/01/2012          JEFF     
         3          9/01/2012               Null          JEFF     
         4          9/12/2012               Null          JEFF     
         5          9/24/2012         11/01/2012          JEFF     
         6         10/01/2012         12/01/2012          JEFF     
         7         10/09/2012         01/01/2013          JEFF     

我需要这样的 OPEN 计数。完成基本查询后,我需要按项目所有者过滤/分组

AUG12   SEPT12   OCT12   NOV12   DEC12   JAN13   FEB13
2        4       5       4       3       2       1
^        ^       ^       ^       ^       ^       ^
|        |       |       |       |       |       |-> From Projects 3 & 4
|        |       |       |       |       |-> From Projects 3 & 4 
|        |       |       |       |-> From Projects 3,4 & 7
|        |       |       |-> From Projects 3,4,6 & 7
|        |       |-> From Projects 3,4,5,6 & 7
|        |-> From Projects 2,3,4, & 5                                    
|-> From Project 1 & 2

最新 这是我根据 Gordon 的建议进行的连接。查询慢约4-5秒

SELECT SUM(case when (OPEN_DATE <= thedate and CLOSE_DATE > thedate) or (OPEN_DATE <= thedate and CLOSE_DATE Is Null) then 1 else 0 end) as Open 
1.     From (select * FROM Project 
2.     WHERE Project.Owner = :owner AND Project.action_for = :actionFor )  
3.     cross join (   select add_months(last_day(SYSDATE), level-7)

4.        as thedate from  dual connect by level <= 12   ) 
5.      group by to_char(thedate, 'YYYY-MM') order by 1

除了速度慢之外,我不确定它是否能正确处理我的真实数据。我需要分解查询以提供可以手动检查结果的结果。如何调试一条 sql 语句?我的意思是仅仅因为你得到了结果,你怎么知道它们是正确的?


2 回答 2



select owner, to_char(thedate, 'YYYY-MM') as YYYYMM,
       SUM(case when open_date <= thedate and close_date > thedate then 1 else 0 end) as cnt
from project p cross join
     (select to_date('2012-08-31', 'yyyy-mm-dd') as thedate from dual union all
      select to_date('2012-09-30', 'yyyy-mm-dd') as thedate from dual union all
      select to_date('2012-10-31', 'yyyy-mm-dd') as thedate from dual union all
      select to_date('2012-11-30', 'yyyy-mm-dd') as thedate from dual union all
      select to_date('2012-12-31', 'yyyy-mm-dd') as thedate from dual union all
      select to_date('2013-01-31', 'yyyy-mm-dd') as thedate from dual union all
      select to_date('2013-02-28', 'yyyy-mm-dd') as thedate from dual
     ) as monthends
group by owner, to_char(thedate, 'YYYY-MM')
order by 1

如果您想为任意范围创建monthends 表,您可以了解Oracle 的connect by语法。获得几个月的更简单方法是:

select add_month('01Jan2000', rownum) - 1
from project
where rownum < 12 * 20

这将获得 2000-2019 的月底日期。

于 2013-02-27T22:50:47.877 回答


   SELECT to_char(open_date, 'MON-YYYY') as OpenMonths, count(*) as counts FROM 
  Project WHERE to_char(open_date,'MON-YYYY') <> to_char(close_date,'MON-YYYY') 
    GROUP BY to_char(open_date, 'MON-YYYY');

sqlfiddle 的链接在这里。http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!4/28bf5/1 我将空值更改为其他示例日期,因为 DDL 的文本没有正确检测到它们。



   SELECT monthid, count(*) as ProjectsOpen FROM
   Select * FROm table1 CROSS JOIN mdim WHERE 
  (to_date(mdim.monthid,'MON-YYYY') >= table1.open_date ) AND (to_date(mdim.monthid,'MON-YYYY') <= table1.close_date)
  ) GROUP BY monthid;


 INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('JAN-2012')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('FEB-2012')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('MAR-2012')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('APR-2012')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('MAY-2012')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('JUN-2012')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('JUL-2012')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('AUG-2012')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('SEP-2012')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('OCT-2012')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('NOV-2012')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('DEC-2012')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('JAN-2013')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('FEB-2013')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('MAR-2013')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('APR-2013')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('MAY-2013')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('JUN-2013')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('JUL-2013')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('AUG-2013')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('SEP-2013')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('OCT-2013')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('NOV-2013')
INTO mdim 
     VALUES ('DEC-2013') 

由于 SQLFiddle 搞砸了 csv 导入,我正在做一些任意的 to_date 转换。但是,如果您填充月份维度,第二个查询将获得您想要的数据。

小提琴:http ://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!4/ca8ac/34

于 2013-02-28T00:47:37.373 回答