在阅读了列表初始化及其各种风格之后,我决定在我使用 Xcode 和 Objective-C++ 编写的 openGL ES 应用程序中测试一些功能,直到遇到一些相当模糊的东西。

我知道(并且经常实现)使用以下语法初始化 POD 的传统 C 样式结构初始化,例如 GLKVector2:

GLKVector2 point = { 0,0 };    //copy-initialized


GLKVector2 point{ 0,0 };    //direct-initialized, but generates compile error


GLKVector2 point{ { 0,0 } };

对我来说,这似乎point是从内部结构创建的临时直接初始化的{ 0,0 },因此与第一种方法相比没有任何优势;仍然必须分配和释放临时人员。

或者这个问题可能只是 GLKit 类型使用的 union/struct 布局的性质使编译器感到困惑。



2 回答 2


The outer braces delimit the initializer for the object itself, the inner braces are the initializer for a member inside the object, e.g.

GLKVector2 v = { initializers-for-members };

where initializers-for-members is { 0, 0 } because the type has an array member, of two elements, and you initialize an array of two members with { a, b }.

C++ supports "brace elision" (8.5.1 [dcl.init.aggr] paragraph 11) which means nested braces can be left out of the initializer under certain circumstances, but in C++11 brace elision is only allowed for copy-initialization. This is why you don't need two sets of braces for the copy-init case, but do need them for direct-init.

Since C++11 was completed the rules have been changed by DR 1270 to allow brace elision in the direct-list-initialization case too, but that's a change made to the post-C++11 draft and not widely supported yet.

于 2013-02-28T18:28:12.533 回答

根据文档 GLKVector2是:

union _GLKVector2
   struct { float x, y; };
   struct { float s, t; };
      float v[2];
typedef union _GLKVector2 GLKVector2;

这就是你需要双括号的原因,你通过初始化一个联合成员来初始化。成员聚合初始化发生在原地。如果它是一个扁平结构,那么您的单大括号假设将起作用。这在初始化std::array(例如std::array<int, 2> a{{1, 2}})时也会发生,因为它是 POD 聚合,并且不涉及临时 C 数组。




于 2013-02-27T21:47:46.237 回答