我将假设您了解您正在做的是将浮点数的 4 个字节放入字符串的内存中,而不是浮点数的字符串表示。例如,对于值为 2 的整数,您将 char 值 '\0'、'\0'、'\0'、'\2' 放入字符串中。这与将 '002' 写为常规的人类可读字符串不同(第一个是 3 个空终止符加上一个十进制值为 2 的字符)。您还直接将浮点数的二进制表示注入到字符串中。
如果这就是你想要的,那么你最好使用字符串以外的东西来存储值(maybe a std::vector<char>
/ std::vector<unsigned char>
std::vector<char>& encode_foo(const foo &input) {
// Note that these loops, as @DeadMG pointed out in comments, can be
// more easily accomplished with vector.insert( ... ), e.g.:
// vector.insert(vector.end(), adata, adata + sizeof(input.a));
std::vector<char> data;
char* adata = (char*)&input.a;
char* bdata = (char*)&input.b;
char* cdata = (char*)input.c.data();
for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof(input.a); ++i) {
data.push_back( *adata );
for ( int j = 0; j < sizeof(input.b); ++j) {
data.push_back( *bdata );
for ( int k = 0; k < input.c.length(); ++k) {
data.push_back( *cdata );
// Now, data contains the absolute minimum binary
// representation of the structure
// There are probably even simpler ways to do this,
// but the 3 loops are very explicit
// And demonstrate what you want.
// You could consider std::copy or memcpy instead if you need
// More flexibility.
return data;
foo decode_foo(const std::vector<char>& input) {
// Because you know the structure ahead of time, you can simply reverse the process
// Here, I'll use memcpy to show how that's used too
foo datafoo;
memcpy( datafoo.a, input.data(), sizeof(datafoo.a) );
// Offset by 4 (which is the typical size of an int
memcpy( datafoo.b, input.data() + sizeof(datafoo.a), sizeof(datafoo.b) );
// Now, we offset by 8, and each byte represents a character
// We can memcpy into a std::string's data and null-terminate it as needed
// By calling resize and telling it it's as big as the leftover data
// minus the size of the other structures
int offset = ( sizeof(datafoo.a) + sizeof(datafoo.b) );
int csize = input.size() - offset;
datafoo.c.resize( csize );
memcpy( datafoo.c.input.data(), input.data() + offset, csize );
// Usually, you don't use memcpy with strings,
// but this should do exactly as you want
return datafoo;
如果您想要二进制表示,您可能应该将其用作存储。此外,还要研究诸如protobuff和其他此类数据打包和数据传输协议之类的东西。您也可以在上面使用 std::string,但请记住,使用带有上面一些修改的 std::string 会使该字符串在许多程序和例程中表现不佳,因为strings
预计为 null-终止,并且 C++ 中数字的二进制表示将为您彻底解决这个问题。