


基本上,当我想要它时,我无法让 sortOutput 切换到其他管道。


据我所知,发生的事情是 sortOutput 设置为最后一个管道,然后它继续从该管道而不是其他管道读取,或者如果通过循环从其他管道强制读取,则什么也没有。我不确定为什么,但是如果我将 sortOutput 显式设置为不同的管道(没有循环,全局声明),它会从任何其他管道中读取所有单词就好了。我认为,它正在将 sortOutput 切换到导致问题的循环内的其他管道。奇怪的是,在设置初始字数组时,将 sortOutput 切换到其他管道就可以了。作为说明,我必须使用 fgets,我没有选择。


//Suppressor - Reads one word from each pipe, compares, prints largest.  Gets next word from that one pipe, compares, prints largest.  
//Suppressor deletes duplicate words
//Reads from pipefds_two[count*2] position
char* words[numChildren];
int index, cont=1;
char* smallest; 
int smallestIndex;
int checker;
int duplicateCount = 0;
int kindex;
char* temptwo;
int length;
int nullCount = 0;
int counter = 0;
FILE* sortOutput;

for(kindex = 0; kindex < numChildren; kindex++){ //Initializes array with beginning values
    sortOutput = fdopen(pipefds_two[kindex*2], "r");
    fgets(buffer, PIPE_BUF, sortOutput);
    words[kindex] = strdup(buffer);
while(counter < 13){ //This is where it prints out lowest values each "round", gets new words, and gets rid of duplicates
    printf("\nCurrent words in array (0, 1, 2): %s %s %s", words[0], words[1], words[2]);
    for(index = 0; index < numChildren; index++){
        if(words[index] != NULL){ //Searches for first value in array that's not null to be "lowest" value
            smallest = words[index];
            smallestIndex = index;
            printf("Found first non-null word: %s", smallest);
    printf("Suppressor WHILE \n");
    nullCount = 0;
    printf("smallest word assigned: %s ", smallest);
    printf("smallest index %d\n", smallestIndex);
    for(index = 0; index < numChildren; index++){ //need to loop through each pipe and pull a word, THEN compare them all!
    printf("Suppressor FOR (index: %d word:%s)", index, words[index]);
        if(words[index] == NULL){ //Fills in a NULL gap in the array with a new word from the corresponding pipe
            bzero(buffer, PIPE_BUF);
            sortOutput = fdopen(pipefds_two[index*2], "r"); //THIS IS PROBLEM!  Here, or around here!
            fgets(buffer, PIPE_BUF, sortOutput);
            words[index] = strdup(buffer);
            printf("the word which replaces a NULL: %s", buffer);
    for(index = 0; index < numChildren; index++){ //COMPARE ALL VALUES NOW THAT IT IS POPULATED
    printf("compare FOR loop index: %d\n", index);
        if((index != numChildren) && (words[index] != NULL) && (index != smallestIndex)){
            printf("IF statement, (current arrayWord: %s)(smallest: %s)", words[index], smallest);
            checker = strcmp(smallest, words[index]); 
            if(checker > 0){
                smallest = words[index];
                smallestIndex = index;
                printf("New smallest assigned: %s New Smallest Index: %d\n", smallest, smallestIndex);
            }else if(checker == 0){
                printf("Same word\n");
                words[index] = NULL;
                printf("ArrayWord is larger, smallest staying the same\n");

        } if(index == numChildren-1){ //reached the end of the list
            printf("The smallest this round is: %s", smallest);
            words[smallestIndex] = NULL;
    for(index = 0; index < numChildren; index++){ //Check for removed words!
    printf("Checking if entries are null in array: index %d\n", index);
        if(words[index] == NULL){
            printf("words at index null num: %d\n", nullCount);
    //check to see if everything is null

我知道 while 循环只设置为 13,但是当我运行它并可以看到发生了什么时,它不是无限循环。



1 回答 1



您需要做的是创建sortOutput一个数组,FILE *然后在您的管道中循环一次,调用fdopen每个管道并将所有生成FILE *的 s 存储在数组中。然后,稍后当您想从管道读取时,您读取sortOutput[index]而不是再次调用fdopen


您还需要检查每个 fget 的 EOF 的返回值并适当地处理它。

于 2013-02-27T19:10:41.917 回答