It's adding a lot of time to the route and is quite an annoyance

It looks in source like the

from( ... ) 
.to( "mybatis:deleteTable?statementType=Delete" )

corresponding with

<delete id="deleteTable" parameterType="java.lang.Object" >
    delete from table;

presumably it's waiting for a response with a 90-second timeout on the delete call and then carries on.

It's 90 seconds regardless of size of data in the table. whethre empty or actual records inside.

it sounds like its expecting a response that it doesn't get, and waiting for a timeout before carrying on.

It's very annoying and I cant find a work-around

looking in code this might be because it looks like the mybatis sql session implementation org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession delete(...) methods just delegate to the update(...) , which might be waiting for a response...


1 回答 1



您可以通过设置 statementType=InsertList 来解决它 - 它期望类似的返回删除并将 List 作为单个对象传递,而不是迭代其内容

于 2013-02-27T19:10:51.070 回答