

我知道如何判断哪些对象是相交的(使用 java 的 intersects 方法。

我还应该提到,所有对象都在对象列表中(称为 objs 波纹管)......

public void move(Object ob){
    // this rectangle surrounds the object I'll check against
    // all of the other objects below
    Rectangle objectToCheck = ob.getBounds();

    // Cycle through all the other objects and check if they
    // cross over the rectangle I created above
    for(Object obj : objs){
        // Creates a bounding rectangle that is used temporarily
        // for each other object on the board
        Rectangle otherObject= obj.getBounds();

        // Check if one object crosses over another object
        if(otherObject != objectToCheck && otherObject.intersects(objectToCheck)){
         // they intersect! now how do i know how much to move them so
         // that they no longer intersect? 

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