我考虑过遍历数组并使用 for 循环获取字符串的整个长度。然后让它成为我方边的长度。但我无法想象如何去做。
Use getFontMetrics() to find out how much space the string will take up, and then draw character by character, adding the required extra space. Here is the code:
import java.awt.*;
// ...
public void paint(Graphics g) {
String testString = "The quick brown fox jumps.";
Rectangle testRectangle = new Rectangle(10, 50, 200, 20);
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
FontMetrics fm = g2d.getFontMetrics();
int stringWidth = fm.stringWidth(testString);
int extraSpace = (testRectangle.width - stringWidth) / (testString.length() - 1);
int x = testRectangle.x;
int y = testRectangle.y + fm.getAscent();
for (int index = 0; index < testString.length(); index++) {
char c = testString.charAt(index);
g2d.drawString(String.valueOf(c), x, y);
x += fm.charWidth(c) + extraSpace;
And this is what it looks like:
In order to get more accurate results Graphics2D
also allows you to calculate with float
instead of int