我有几个想要基于类型质量专门化的函数,例如“字符、有符号整数、无符号整数、浮点数、指针”;使用 type_traits 似乎是这样做的方法,并且具有类似于以下的代码:

#include <tr1/type_traits>
#include <iostream>

template<bool, typename _Tp = void>
struct enable_if 
{ };

template<typename _Tp>
struct enable_if<true, _Tp>
    typedef _Tp type;

template< typename T >
inline void
foo_impl( typename enable_if< std::tr1::is_integral< T >::value, T >::type const& )
    std::cout << "This is the function-overloaded integral implementation.\n";

template< typename T >
inline void
foo_impl( typename enable_if< std::tr1::is_floating_point< T >::value, T >::type const& )
    std::cout << "This is the function-overloaded floating-point implementation.\n";

template< typename T >
inline void
function_overloads_foo( T const& arg )
    foo_impl< T >( arg ); // vital to specify the template-type

void function_overloads_example()
    function_overloads_foo( int() );
    function_overloads_foo( float() );


但是,我想将所有这些功能按质量分组到一个模板类中作为static方法。这怎么做最好?这是我使用标签、SFINAE 和部分专业化的天真和失败的尝试:

struct IntegralTypeTag;
struct FloatingPointTypeTag;

template< typename T, typename U = void >
class Foo

template< typename T >
class Foo< T, typename enable_if< std::tr1::is_integral< T >::value, IntegralTypeTag >::type >
    static void foo( T const& )
        std::cout << "This is the integral partial-specialization class implementation.\n";

template< typename T >
class Foo< T, typename enable_if< std::tr1::is_floating_point< T >::value, FloatingPointTypeTag >::type >
    static void foo( T const& )
        std::cout << "This is the floating-point partial-specialization class implementation.\n";

template< typename T >
inline void
partial_specialization_class_foo( T const& arg )
    Foo< T >::foo( arg );

void partial_specialization_class_example()
    partial_specialization_class_foo( int() );
    partial_specialization_class_foo( float() );


仅供参考,这是 C++03。



3 回答 3



#include <tr1/type_traits>
#include <iostream>

struct IntegralTypeTag;
struct FloatingPointTypeTag;

template <
  typename T,
  bool is_integral = std::tr1::is_integral<T>::value,
  bool is_floating_point = std::tr1::is_floating_point<T>::value
> struct TypeTag;

template <typename T>
struct TypeTag<T,true,false> {
  typedef IntegralTypeTag Type;

template <typename T>
struct TypeTag<T,false,true> {
  typedef FloatingPointTypeTag Type;

template <typename T,typename TypeTag = typename TypeTag<T>::Type> struct Foo;

template <typename T>
struct Foo<T,IntegralTypeTag> {
  static void foo( T const& )
    std::cout << "This is the integral partial-specialization class implementation.\n";

template <typename T>
struct Foo<T,FloatingPointTypeTag> {
  static void foo( T const& )
    std::cout << "This is the floating-point partial-specialization class implementation.\n";

template< typename T >
inline void
partial_specialization_class_foo( T const& arg )
      Foo< T >::foo( arg );

int main(int,char**)
  return 0;
于 2013-02-27T15:20:55.490 回答


template< typename T, typename U = T >
struct Foo

template< typename T >
struct Foo< T, typename enable_if< std::tr1::is_integral< T >::value, T >::type >
    static void foo( T const& )
        std::cout << "This is the integral partial-specialization class implementation.\n";

template< typename T >
struct Foo< T, typename enable_if< std::tr1::is_floating_point< T >::value, T >::type >
    static void foo( T const& )
        std::cout << "This is the floating-point partial-specialization class implementation.\n";

template< typename T >
inline void
partial_specialization_class_foo( T const& arg )
    Foo< T >::foo( arg );

void partial_specialization_class_example()
    partial_specialization_class_foo( int() );
    partial_specialization_class_foo( float() );


  • 这默认与第一个参数相同,因此调用者只关注第一个参数。
  • 只有具有与第一个模板参数相同的第二个模板参数的部分特化才能匹配。
  • 失败时enable_if,整个部分专业化无法匹配。


于 2013-02-27T16:30:30.750 回答

IntegralTypeTagenable_if碍事。的第二个参数的默认值Foovoid,与 的不同IntegralTypeTag,所以特化 的Foo会匹配失败。

即,Foo< int, void >(这是你做的时候得到的Foo<int>)不匹配Foo< int, IntegralTypeTag >,你想要的int专业化是(在enable_if逻辑之后)。


于 2013-02-27T15:18:44.047 回答