I have a Java JAR file that was developed to run in the browser. It works fine. There doesn't appear to be any sort of build file associated with the source code I've been given and I'm attempting to create a project and/or build script.

The source code references some third party code. What I've done is unzipped the JAR file into a folder that has this structure:


The "com" folder contains subfolders which contain the .CLASS files for the third party libraries. "applet" contains the .JAVA source code files (one folder, maybe 15 files).

The code appears to be written in 1.4 syntax (I manually attempted to compile some of the .JAVA files and it complained that some things were deprecated and/or required the older version).

I created a Java Project in Eclipse and pointed it to the \App folder. Then I went into the Properties for the project and went to Libraries and and clicked on "Add Class Folder" and added the \App\src\com folder. Then I went to "Order and Export" and moved this to the top. I also set the Java Compiler version to 1.4.

I am getting a large number of compiler errors, all of which seem to stem from the fact that it says it can't resolve an import. This import is the set of .CLASS files contained in the "com" subfolders. The namespace matches the directory structure.

This seems like it should be really straightforward, but I've tried various things and don't seem to be making any progress. Based on what I've read I'm sure it has something to do with the pathing but I'm at a loss at this point on how to fix it.

(I'm sure it goes without saying that I'm not a Java dev.)

Any thoughts or ideas as to where I'm going wrong?


1 回答 1


您能否尝试右键单击 Eclipse 的导航器。选择 Import>General>archive file>(要导入的 Jar 文件)。此时您应该正确导入了 jar 文件。如果您遇到任何问题,请告诉我。

于 2013-02-27T14:08:21.850 回答