我是本体开发的新手,我刚刚完成了我的第一个本体。现在我需要在 Apache Stanbol 中使用这个本体来执行一些 RDF 图的重构。

这是您在 Stanbol 中编写典型规则的方式:

myRule[ has(<http//myont.org/hasFather>, ?x, ?y) . has(<http/myont.org/hasBrother>, ?y, ?z) -> has(<http//myont.org/hasUncle>, ?x, ?z) ]

我猜我将不得不在一些在线的地方托管我的本体,以使规则生效。现在,基本 URI 指向http://www.example.org/ontologies/EDXL.owl#,这是一个虚构的地址。

我知道 URI 不需要指向物理地址,但它会与 Stanbol 一起使用吗?如果是这种情况,我该如何托管 .owl 文件。任何网络服务器都会这样做(即公共WWW)吗?


1 回答 1


As you mentioned, URIs do not necessarily need to point to actual resolvable pages (yet it's better if they do). So the rule engine should understand the OWL file even if it is not available online.

If you want to expose the OWL file anyway, any web server should be able to do it, just put the file somewhere accessible (public should work out of the box). When you use your browser to access it you should be able to see the ontology directly displayed (thanks to the special MIME type text/turtle).

Example: If you go to the URI of the OWL concept Thing you should see the whole ontology in your browser.

于 2013-02-27T13:09:52.540 回答