我的问题是关于将嵌套的 if 条件重写为具有本地绑定的分支的单个条件。我对球拍很陌生,只是迈出了第一步,所以如果我的问题很愚蠢,请宽容。
工作解决方案使用带有嵌套 ifs 的递归辅助函数
[vlen (vector-length vec)]
(lambda (pos)
(if (= pos vlen) ;; if the end of the vector has been reached
#f ;; then return false
(let ([el (vector-ref vec pos)]) ;; Otherwise, extract current element from the vector,
(if (and (pair? el) (equal? v (car el))) ;; if the element is a pair and its car is what we want
el ;; then return the element
(find-in-vector (+ 1 pos))))))] ;; otherwise keep searching the vector
看起来更紧凑。下面的代码是一个可能的实现。问题是(vector-ref vec pos)
计算了几次,这就是我想重写的,这样它只计算一次,就像在前面的嵌套 ifs 实现中一样
[vlen (vector-length vec)]
(lambda (pos)
(cond [(= pos vlen) #f]
[(and (pair? (vector-ref vec pos)) ;; one
(equal? v (car (vector-ref vec pos)))) ;; two
(vector-ref vec pos)] ;; three is too many
[#t (find-in-vector (+ 1 pos))]))])
这就是我最多取得的成就:一次调用(vector-ref vec pos)
test-expr ,另一次调用 result-expr
[(= pos vlen) #f]
[(letrec ([el (vector-ref vec pos)]) ;; extract current element from the vector
(and (pair? el) (equal? v (car el)))) ;; and use it in conditionals
(vector-ref vec pos)] ;; again, extract and return. FIXIT
[#t (find-in-vector (+ 1 pos))]))]) ;; otherwise, keep searching
在 test-expr 和 result-expression 之间进行共享?我想el
留在这个特定的 cond 分支的本地。下面的代码工作不正确。AFAIU,整个letrec
[(= pos vlen) #f]
[(letrec ([el (vector-ref vec pos)])
(and (pair? el) (equal? v (car el)))
[#t (find-in-vector (+ 1 pos))])