我正在开发一个用于 JavaScript 的交互式教程工具。该工具的核心是教程的脚本。该脚本将触发运行动画、扬声器声音加载新页面等的各种功能。三个示例调用(大多数教程将有 10-100 次调用,因此非常需要对调用进行简洁的概述:

wrap(); //wrap the page in an iframe
playsound('media/welcome') //playing a sound (duh)
highlight('[name=firstname]'); //animation that highlights an element.
loadpage(page2); //loading a new page

所有调用都有一个共同点:它们都有非正常触发器。例如,在这个简单的脚本中,一旦加载了第一个调用中的 iframe,就应该触发第二个调用。一旦声音完成(即延迟),就会触发第三个脚本。动画完成后应该触发第四个功能。第五个事件应该在一个事件上触发(例如点击)。

对此的技术解决方案是在前一个函数的回调中调用该函数,这可能会变得非常混乱。我喜欢这样的解决方案,其中函数被称为 lite,这是一个有一点头脑但没有编码经验的人可以编写自己的脚本。你会如何解决这个问题?我对javascript很陌生,所以如果你能明确一点,我会很感激的。


2 回答 2



var loadingSequence = {
    start : function() { wrap(this.playsound); },
    playsound : function() { playsound('media/welcome', this.highlight); },
    highlight : function() { highlight('[name=firstname]', this.playsound2); },
    playsound2 : function() { playsound('media/welcome2', this.loadpage); },
    loadpage : function()  { loadpage(page2); }

于 2013-02-26T23:17:42.317 回答


编辑 如果您不想使用预先存在的解决方案,我会这样做:

var runTutorial = (function () {

    // The command object holds all the different commands that can
    // be used by someone for the tutorial. Each of these commands
    // will recive a callback set as their `this`. This
    // callback should be called by your commands when they are done
    // running. The person making the tutorial won't need to know
    // about the callback, the code will handle that.
    var commands = {
        wrap: function () {
            //wrap the page in an iframe
        playsound: function (soundPath, soundLength) {
            //playing a sound (duh)
            setTimeout(this, soundLength);
        highlight: function (selector) {
            //animation that highlights an element.
            //I'm using jQuery UI for the animation here,
            // but most animation libraries should provide
            // a callback for when the animation is done similarly
            $(selector).effect('highlight', 'slow', this);
        loadpage: function (pageUrl) {
            //loading a new page
            setTimeout(this, 500);
        waitForClick: function () {
            // when we go into the click handler `this` will no
            // longer be availble to us since we will be in a
            // different context, save `this` into `that` so
            // we can call it later.
            var that = this;
            $(document).one('click', function () {
    // This function takes an array of commands
    // and runs them in sequence. Each item in the
    // array should be an array with the command name
    // as the first item and any arguments it should be
    // called with following as the rest of the items.
    runTutorial = function (commandList) {
        var nextCommand = function () {
            if (commandList.length > 0) {
                var args = commandList.shift();

                // remove the command name
                // from the argument list
                cmd = args.shift(1);

                // call the command, setting nextCommand as `this`
                commands[cmd].apply(nextCommand, args);


    return runTutorial;


$('#tutorialbutton').click(function() {
        ['playsound', 'media/welcome', 1000],
        ['highlight', '[name=firstname]'],
        ['playsound', 'media/welcome2', 1500],
        ['loadpage', page2],
        ['playsound', 'media/page2', 100]



您的每个命令都需要等待其操作完成,然后才能调用其回调(又名this)。我在小提琴中使用setTimeout. 例如,如果您使用 jQuery 的.animatefor highlight,它提供了一个complete在动画完成时触发的处理程序,只需坚持this(不带调用括号())在那里。如果您使用的是 jQuery UI,它具有内置的“高亮” 效果,因此您可以像这样实现它:

highlight: function (selector) {
    //animation that highlights an element.
    $(selector).effect('highlight', 'slow', this);



playsound: function (soundPath, soundLength) {
    //playing a sound (duh)
    setTimeout(this, soundLength);
于 2013-02-26T23:38:59.977 回答