我有这个小的 JavaScript 画布片段:

(function() {
    // Creates a new canvas element and appends it as a child
    // to the parent element, and returns the reference to
    // the newly created canvas element

    function createCanvas(parent, width, height) {
        var canvas = {};
        canvas.node = document.createElement('canvas');
        canvas.context = canvas.node.getContext('2d');
        canvas.node.width = width || 100;
        canvas.node.height = height || 100;
        return canvas;

    function init(container, width, height, fillColor) {
        var canvas = createCanvas(container, width, height);
        var ctx = canvas.context;
        // define a custom fillCircle method
        ctx.fillCircle = function(x, y, radius, fillColor) {
            this.fillStyle = fillColor;
            this.moveTo(x, y);
            this.arc(x, y, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
        ctx.clearTo = function(fillColor) {
            ctx.fillStyle = fillColor;
            ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
        ctx.clearTo(fillColor || "#ddd");

        // bind mouse events
        canvas.node.onmousemove = function(e) {
            if (!canvas.isDrawing) {
            var x = e.pageX - this.offsetLeft;
            var y = e.pageY - this.offsetTop;
            var radius = 10; // or whatever
            var fillColor = '#ff0000';
            ctx.fillCircle(x, y, radius, fillColor);
        canvas.node.onmousedown = function(e) {
            canvas.isDrawing = true;
        canvas.node.onmouseup = function(e) {
            canvas.isDrawing = false;

    var container = document.getElementById('canvas');
    init(container, 200, 200, '#ddd');


现在它需要 div 和idof canvas,并在其中创建一个小的 HTML5 canvas,用户基本上可以用鼠标在其中绘制。现在这很好......但是如果我必须用 保存画布内的内容canvas.toDataURL()怎么办?据我所知,我必须拿起画布,然后将canvas.toDataURL()其保存到图像中。但是 - 这需要一个身份证,对吧?当我在函数中创建画布时,我将createCanvas如何制作一个id伴随它的东西,所以我可以做类似的事情document.getElementById("idofcanvas").toDataURL()



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但是 - 这需要一个身份证,对吧?

不需要ID,但 ID 不会受到伤害(只要它实际上是唯一的;-))。任何选择 DOM 元素的方法都可以在这里使用。如果页面上只有一个画布,这就足够了,例如:

var canvas = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0];
var imageData = canvas.toDataURL();

当我在 createCanvas 函数中创建画布时,我将如何制作一个伴随它的 id?

您只需在返回之前设置 canvas 元素的 ID 属性。请记住,您需要确保此值是唯一的!

function createCanvas(parent, width, height) {
    var canvas = {};
    canvas.node = document.createElement('canvas');
    canvas.node.id = /* some unique value here */;
    canvas.context = canvas.node.getContext('2d');
    canvas.node.width = width || 100;
    canvas.node.height = height || 100;
    return canvas;
于 2013-02-26T18:33:13.140 回答