Firstly apologies if this question seems like a wall of text, I can't think of a way to format it.
I have a machine with valuable data on(circa 1995), the machine is running unix (SCO OpenServer 6) with some sort of database stored on it.
The data is normally accessed via a software package of which the license has expired and the developers are no longer trading.
The software package connects to the machine via telnet to retrieve data and modify data (the telnet connection no longer functions due to the license being changed).
I can access the machine via an ODBC driver (SeaODBC.dll) over a network, this was how I was planning to extract the data but so far I have retrieved 300,000 rows in just over 24 hours, in total I estimate there will be around 50,000,000 rows total so at current speed it will take 6 months!
I need either a quicker way to extract the data from the machine via ODBC or a way to extract the entire DB locally on the machine to an external drive/network drive or other external source.
I've played around with the unix interface and the only large files I can find are in a massive matrix of single character folder (eg A\G\data.dat, A\H\Data.dat ect).
Does anyone know how to find out the installed DB systems on the machine? Hopefully it is a standard and I'll be able to find a way to export everything into a nicely formatted file.
Digging around the file system I have found a folder under root > L
which contains lots of single lettered folders, each single lettered folder contains more single letter folders.
There are also files which are named after the table I need (eg "ooi.r") which have the following format:
l for ooi_lno, lc for ooi_lcno, s for ooi_invno, id for ooi_indate
require l="AB"
require ls="SO"
require id=25/04/1998
{<id>} is s
sort increasing Id