有人告诉我,当我允许用户从我的应用程序中创建视频时,应该会自动生成一个 .jpg 缩略图。但是,使用windows phone power tools,我可以看到只生成了视频,没有图像。下面是代码:
' Set recording state: start recording.
Private Async Sub StartVideoRecording()
App.ViewModel.IsDataLoaded = False
'isoStore = Await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFolderAsync("IsolatedStore")
strVideoName = GenerateVideoName()
isoFile = Await isoVideoFolder.CreateFileAsync(strVideoName, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting)
thisAccessStream = Await isoFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite)
Await avDevice.StartRecordingToStreamAsync(thisAccessStream)
'save the name of the video file into the list of video files in isolated storage settings
Dim videoList As New List(Of InfoViewModel)
isoSettings = IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings
If isoSettings.Contains("ListOfVideos") Then
videoList = isoSettings("ListOfVideos")
isoSettings.Add("ListOfVideos", videoList)
End If
videoList.Add(New InfoViewModel With {.Name = strVideoName, .DateRecorded = Date.Now})
isoSettings("ListOfVideos") = videoList
isoSettings = Nothing
' Set the button states and the message.
UpdateUI(ButtonState.Recording, "Recording...")
Catch e As Exception
' If recording fails, display an error.
Me.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(Sub() txtDebug.Text = "ERROR: " & e.Message.ToString())
End Try
End Sub