我正在尝试创建一个压缩程序。它将带有 ASCII 字符的 .txt 作为参数,并切断每个字符的二进制表示的前导 0。
它通过使用两个不同整数的最后 2 个字节来做到这一点。带前导零的字符被放入整数“write”的第 4 个字节,下一个字符被放入整数“temp”的第 3 个字节。然后将'temp' int 向右移动一次,然后与'write' 进行或运算,这样前导零槽就被我们需要的数据填充了。这重复,移位计数器在每个字符后增加。第一种情况有点奇怪。如果写在纸上,算法并不是很复杂。
我觉得我什么都试过了。我已经研究过算法很多次了。我很确定问题出在 shift_counter 达到 8 .. 但它应该可以正常工作。它只是没有。我可以在这里告诉你为什么(代码在下面):
0000000 3f 00 00 00 41 10 68 9e 6e c3 d9 65 10 88 5e c6
0000020 d3 41 e6 74 9a 5d 06 d1 df a0 7a 7d 5e 06 a5 dd
0000040 20 3a bd 3c a7 a7 dd 67 10 e8 5d a7 83 e8 e8 72
0000060 19 a4 c7 c9 6e a0 f1 f8 dd 86 cb cb f3 f9 3c
0000000 3f 00 00 00 41 d0 3c dd 86 b3 cb 20 7a 19 4f 07
0000020 99 d3 ec 32 88 fe 06 d5 e7 65 50 da 0d a2 97 e7
0000040 f4 b4 fb 0c 7a d7 e9 20 3a ba 0c d2 e3 64 37 d0
0000060 f8 dd 86 cb cb f3 79 fa ed 76 29 00 0a 0a
int compress(char *filename_ptr){
int in_fd;
in_fd = open(filename_ptr, O_RDONLY);
//set pointer to the end of the file, find file size, then reset position
//by closing/opening
unsigned int file_bytes = lseek(in_fd, 0, SEEK_END);
in_fd = open(filename_ptr, O_RDONLY);
//store file contents in buffer
unsigned char read_buffer[file_bytes];
read(in_fd, read_buffer, file_bytes);
//file where the output will be stored
int out_fd;
creat("output.txt", 0644);
out_fd = open("output.txt", O_WRONLY);
//sets file size in header (needed for decompression, this is the size of the
//file before compression. everything after this we write this 4-byte int
//is a 1 byte char
write(out_fd, &file_bytes, 4);
unsigned int writer;
unsigned int temp;
unsigned char out_char;
int i;
int shift_count = 8;
for(i = 0; i < file_bytes; i++){
if(shift_count == 8){
writer = read_buffer[i];
temp = temp & 0x00000000;
temp = read_buffer[i+1] << 8;
shift_count = 1;
//moves the next char's bits to the left, for the purpose of filling the
//8 bit buffer (writer) via OR operation
temp = read_buffer[i] << 8;
temp = temp >> shift_count;
writer = writer | temp;
//output right byte of writer
unsigned int right_byte = writer & 0x000000ff;
//output right_byte as a char
out_char = (char) right_byte;
//write_buffer[i] = out_char;
write(out_fd, &out_char, 1);
//clear right side of writer
writer = writer & 0x0000ff00;
//shift left side of writer to the right by 8
writer = writer >> 8;
return 0;