在无法使用 iOS 开发工具和脚本的 linux 环境中,如何在上传到服务器后符号化 ios 崩溃报告。我知道 Apple 使用 atos 和其他一些工具将十六进制地址与 .dYSM 文件一起映射到符号。

我可以将 .dYSM 文件与崩溃报告一起上传到服务器。引用了 QuincyKit,但他们在本地进行符号化。但是其他的像 HockeyApp 和 Critterism 正在远程进行。



2 回答 2


It is possible. You can take a look at https://github.com/facebook/atosl

I got it working under Linux. (Ubuntu Server) However, it takes some time to get it up and running.

Installing atosl

First, you need to install libdwarf-dev, dwarfdump, binutils-dev and libiberty-dev.

E.g. on Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install libdwarf-dev dwarfdump binutils-dev libiberty-dev

Download or clone the atosl repo from GitHub:

$ git clone https://github.com/facebook/atosl.git

CD to the atosl dir

$ cd atosl

Create a local config config.mk.local which contains a flag with the location of your binutil apps. (in Ubuntu by default that's /usr/bin). If you're not sure, you can find out by executing cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/binutils.list | less and copy the path of the file objdump. E.g. if the entry is /usr/bin/objdump, your path is /usr/bin.

So in the end, your config.mk.local should look like this:

LDFLAGS += -L/usr/bin

Compile it:

$ make

Now you can start using it:

$ ./atosl --help

Symbolicating example

To show how atosl is used, I'll provide a simple example.

Now let's take a look at a line from the crash log:

13  ErrorApp    0x000ea294 0xe3000 + 29332

To symbolicate this, we will need the load address, and the runtime address.

In this example the runtime address is 0x000ea294, and the load address is 0xe3000.

Now we have everything we need:


In this example:

$ ./atosl -o ErrorApp.app.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ErrorApp -l 0xe3000 0x000ea294

Which returns the symbolicated line:

main (in ErrorApp) (main.m:16)


Your vmaddr, which usually is 0x00001000, you can find by looking at the segname __TEXT Mach-O load command of your binary. In my example, this happens to be different, namely 0x00004000

To find the address, we need to do some math.

The address is found by the following formula:

address = vmaddr + ( runtime_address - load_address ) 

In this example our address is:

0x00004000 + ( 0x000ea294 - 0xe3000 ) = 0xB294

I haven't played around with this that much yet, but for now it seems to give me the results I needed. Maybe it will work for you too.

于 2014-04-08T13:32:20.873 回答

您需要实现自己的 linux 兼容版本atosotooldwarfdump(至少是符号化所需的功能)。Apple 工具不是开源的,只能在 Mac OS X 上运行。

这些服务均未提供可供第三方在非 OS X 系统上使用的解决方案。因此,除了实现在您的 linux 系统上运行所需的功能之外,您唯一的机会是在 Mac 上像 QuincyKit 那样做,请参阅https://github.com/TheRealKerni/QuincyKit/wiki/Remote-symbolication或使用第三方服务。

注意:我是 QuincyKit 的创建者和 HockeyApp 的联合创始人。

于 2013-02-27T19:05:11.203 回答