我正在尝试根据屏幕分辨率大小显示来自数据库的结果。上周我发布了一个关于如何获取宽度的问题,并且能够在此处的一些想法的帮助下提出这个 jquery,但无法完成第二个方面,即根据大小显示结果:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var $window = $(window);
function checkWidth() {
var windowsize = $window.width();
if (windowsize = 1600) {
//**This is where I need to define the $maxresults value, but how?**
// Execute on load
// Bind event listener
// get the function
include_once ('function.php');
$maxresults = 21;
if ($_GET['page']) {
$page = $_GET['page'];
else {
$page = 0;
$currentpage = $page;
$page = $page*$maxresults;
$numpages = QuickQuery("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM books WHERE visible=1");
$numpages = mysql_result($numpages, 0);
$numpages = $numpages/$maxresults-1;
//Show <maxresults> pages at a time
$result = GetBooksByRangeID($page, $maxresults);
要显示的最大结果数量设置为 21,但我想使用上面的 jquery 来根据用户的屏幕分辨率定义数量;我会有各种尺寸。换句话说,我需要 if 语句说“根据找到的大小显示这么多结果”。那么我该如何写这个 if 语句呢?
* LAST REVISION= Partially WORKING,(将所有结果设置为最大 6,尽管分辨率大小)*
// get the function
include_once ('function.php');
if(($_GET['w']) && ($_GET['h'])) {
$w = $_GET['w'];
$h = $_GET['h'];
if ($w == 1920) {
$maxresults = 24;
else if ($w == 1600) {
$maxresults = 24;
else if ($w == 1440){
$maxresults = 12;
else if ($w == 1366) {
$maxresults = 10;
else if ($w == 1024) {
$maxresults = 8;
else $maxresults = 6;