select d.Division,a.FirstName,
(select count(h.id) from Department h
inner join institution i on d.institution_id = i_Id
where i.institution_id =d.Id and h. date between @startDate and @endDate) as test
from Division d, inmate a
where d.Active = 1 and a.Active = 1
select d.DivisionName,a.FirstName, (select count(h.id) from InHistory h inner join Institution i on h.Institution_id = i.Id inner join InType it on h.InType_id = it.Id inner join mate a on h.mate_id = a.Id where i.InstitutionRegion_id = d.Id and it.InTypeName like '%Staff%' and h.AdmissionDate between '18/02/2013' and '18/02/2013') as Admission from Division d, mate a where d.Active= 1 and a.Active =1