在开发游戏时,我想运行一个程序来确定给定参数的给定结果的机会。我兴奋地达到了可以尝试的地步,但 Google Scripts 无法处理运行 60,000,000 个可能的场景来计算获胜百分比。
1)有没有办法删除最大执行时间,让它花一整天?有没有其他方法可以让它在 Google Scripts 中运行?2)也许我可以通过输入随机数来运行较少数量的试验。有没有办法在 Google Scripts 中生成随机数?3) 除了 Google Scripts 之外,我还应该做这种事情吗?如果是这样,我应该研究一下适用于 Mac 的免费/负担得起的编译器吗?我尝试将它导入 Xcode,但我很困惑,似乎无法找到一个简单的地方进行编译。此外,将其导入“C”会产生一些兼容性问题;虽然我可能只需要把它吸起来并在这里重新组装它。
function dieFeeder(winCount, fSkill, fMagnitude, fHeart, fDie1, fDie2, fDie3, fDie4, fDie5, cSkill, cMagnitude, cHeart, cDie1, cDie2, cDie3, cDie4, cDie5){
// a parent function to function questionMatrix, feeds the changing dice into it
var matrixWinner;
//This 'for' clause keeps going until all dice permutations have been tried out
for (var i=0; i<60466176; i++){
//This part changes the dice to go through all combiations in a way similar to counting in base 6
if (cDie5 == 7){
cDie5 = 1;
cDie4 = cDie4+1;
if (cDie4 == 7){
cDie4 = 1;
cDie3 = cDie3 +1;
if (cDie3 == 7){
cDie3 = 1;
cDie2 = cDie2 +1;
if (cDie2 == 7){
cDie2 = 1;
cDie1 = cDie1 +1;
if (cDie1 == 7){
cDie1 = 1;
fDie5 = fDie5 +1;
if (fDie5 == 7){
fDie5 = 1;
fDie4 = fDie4 +1;
if (fDie4 == 7){
fDie4 = 1;
fDie3 = fDie3 +1;
if (fDie3 == 7){
fDie3 = 1;
fDie2 = fDie2 +1;
if (fDie2 == 7){
fDie2 = 1;
fDie1 = fDie1 +1;
cDie5 = cDie5 + 1;
//This part checks to see who wins and increases the winCount if it was the Favorite
matrixWinner = questionMatrix(fSkill, fMagnitude, fHeart, fDie1, fDie2, fDie3, fDie4, fDie5, cSkill, cMagnitude, cHeart, cDie1, cDie2, cDie3, cDie4, cDie5);
if (matrixWinner == 'favorite'){
winCount = winCount +1;
return winCount;