好的,我已经为集成在Qt GUI中的matplotlib自己实现了imline ...现在,imrect等很容易实现。如果有人需要 imrect 等,我会更新代码。下面是我的 imline 代码:
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
import time
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
class Imline(QObject):
Plot interactive line
def __init__(self, plt, image = None, scale = 1, *args, **kwargs):
Initialize imline
super(Imline, self).__init__(None)
# set plot
self.__plt = plt
self.scale = scale
# initialize start and end points
self.startX = None
self.startY = None
self.endX = None
self.endY = None
# initialize line2d
self.__line2d = None
self.mask = None
# store information to generate mask
if(image is not None):
height, width = image.shape
height = None
width = None
self.__width = width
self.__height = height
# set signals and slots
self.__c1 = self.__plt.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.__mousePressEvent)
self.__c2 = self.__plt.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.__mouseMoveEvent)
self.__c3 = self.__plt.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.__mouseReleaseEvent)
self.imlineEventFinished = SIGNAL('imlineEventFinished')
def __mousePressEvent(self, event):
Starting point
# get xy data
xdata = event.xdata
ydata = event.ydata
# check if mouse is outside the figure
if((xdata is None) | (ydata is None) | (self.startX is not None) | (self.startY is not None) | (self.endX is not None) | (self.endY is not None)):
# start point
self.startX = xdata
self.startY = ydata
def __mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
Draw interactive line
# get xy data
xdata = event.xdata
ydata = event.ydata
# check if mouse is outside the figure
if((xdata is None) | (ydata is None) | (self.startX is None) | (self.startY is None) | (self.endX is not None) | (self.endY is not None)):
# remove line
if(self.__line2d is not None):
# set x, t
x = [self.startX, xdata]
y = [self.startY, ydata]
# plot line
xlim = self.__plt.axes.get_xlim()
ylim = self.__plt.axes.get_ylim()
self.__line2d = self.__plt.axes.plot(x, y, color = [1, 0, 0])
# update plot
def __mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
End point
# get xy data
xdata = event.xdata
ydata = event.ydata
# check if mouse is outside the figure
if((xdata is None) | (ydata is None) | (self.endX is not None) | (self.endY is not None)):
# remove line
if(self.__line2d is not None):
self.endX = xdata
self.endY = ydata
P = np.polyfit([self.startX, self.endX], [self.startY, self.endY],1 )
self.__m = P[0]
self.__q = P[1]
# update plot
# disconnect the vents
# emit SIGNAL
def createMask(self):
Create mask from painted line
# check height width
if((self.__height is None) | (self.__width is None)):
return None
# initialize mask
mask = np.zeros((self.__height, self.__width))
# get m q
m = self.__m
q = self.__q
print m, q
# get points
startX = np.int(self.startX)
startY = np.int(self.startY)
endX = np.int(self.endX)
endY = np.int(self.endY)
# ensure startX < endX
tempStartX = startX
if(startX > endX):
startX = endX
endX = tempStartX
# ensure startY < endY
tempStartY = startY
if(startY > endY):
startY = endY
endY = tempStartY
# save points
self.startX = startX
self.endX = endX
self.startY = startY
self.endY = endY
# intialize data
xData = np.arange(startX, endX)
yData = np.arange(startY, endY)
# scan on x
for x in xData:
row = round(m*x + q)
if(row < startY):
row = startY
if(row > endY):
row = endY
mask[row, x] = 1
# scan on y
for y in yData:
col = round((y - q) / m)
if(col < startX):
col = startX
if(col > endX):
col = endX
mask[y, col] = 1
# get boolean mask
mask = mask == 1
# return boolean mask
return mask