I was wondering if anyone knew of a program that could accept a directory of php files and analyze them so that every function, variable, etc. has links to where it is defined, referenced, etc. so that I can quickly determine the purpose/use of a function. I know that RIPS does something similiar to this but it is primarily a vulnerability analysis tool. I would prefer not to have to pay for it if possible.


2 回答 2


Exuberant Ctags can analyze files in that manner.

于 2013-02-24T23:25:41.993 回答

IDEs like NetBeans or Eclipse provide this kind of feature, but inline as you are editing, not by generating a separate map file. You can right-click on a function and go to where it is defined, for example, or click on a defined function and find all the places it is used.

于 2013-02-24T23:28:28.467 回答