这个问题最近没有很多解决方案,所以我也被困在这个问题上——直到我在试图读取 zip 文件的函数中创建了一个新的 MediaPlayer 实例。突然开始播放没有问题。现在,相反,我将我的(全局)MediaPlayer 传递给这样的函数:(Kotlin)
private fun preparePlayer(mp: MediaPlayer, position: Int) {
// Path of shared storage
val root: File = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
Log.i("ROOT", root.toString())
// path of the zip file
val zipFilePath = File(root.absolutePath+"/Android/obb/MY_PACKAGE_NAME/MY_ZIP_FILE.zip")
// Is zip file recognized?
val zipFileExists = zipFilePath.exists()
Log.i("Does zip file exist?", zipFileExists.toString())
// Define the zip file as ZipResourceFile
val expansionFile = ZipResourceFile(zipFilePath.absolutePath)
// Your media in the zip file
val afd = expansionFile.getAssetFileDescriptor("track_01.mp3")
// val mp = MediaPlayer() // not necessary if you pass it as a function parameter
mp.setDataSource(afd.fileDescriptor, afd.startOffset, afd.length)
mp.start() // Music should start playing automatically