也许我手头有太多时间......但我已经考虑过几次并决定继续实施它。C++ 可调用,没有外部库。完全重新发明轮子,只是为了好玩(如果你可以在周日的乐趣中调用编码。)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef __cplusplus
#define bool int
#define true (1 == 1)
#define false (1 == 0)
// Forward declarations
struct tSmartPtr;
typedef struct tSmartPtr SmartPtr;
struct tSmartPtrRef;
typedef struct tSmartPtrRef SmartPtrRef;
// Type used to describe the object referenced.
typedef void * RefObjectPtr;
// Type used to describe the object that owns a reference.
typedef void * OwnerPtr;
// "Virtual" destructor, called when all references are freed.
typedef void (*ObjectDestructorFunctionPtr)(RefObjectPtr pObjectToDestruct);
// Create a smart pointer to the object pObjectToReference, and pass a destructor that knows how to delete the object.
SmartPtr *SmartPtrCreate( RefObjectPtr pObjectToReference, ObjectDestructorFunctionPtr Destructor );
// Make a new reference to the object, pass in a pointer to the object that will own the reference. Returns a new object reference.
SmartPtrRef *SmartPtrMakeRef( SmartPtr *pSmartPtr, OwnerPtr pReferenceOwner );
// Remove a reference to an object, pass in a pointer to the object that owns the reference. If the last reference is removed, the object destructor is called.
bool SmartPtrRemoveRef( SmartPtr *pSmartPtr, OwnerPtr pReferenceOwner );
// Remove a reference via a pointer to the smart reference itself.
// Calls the destructor if all references are removed.
// Does SmartPtrRemoveRef() using internal pointers, so call either this or SmartPtrRemoveRef(), not both.
bool SmartPtrRefRemoveRef( SmartPtrRef *pRef );
// Get the pointer to the object that the SmartPointer points to.
void *SmartPtrRefGetObjectPtr( SmartPtrRef *pRef );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // #ifndef SMARTPOINTER_H
#include "SmartPointers.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
typedef struct tLinkedListNode {
struct tLinkedListNode *pNext;
} LinkedListNode;
typedef struct tLinkedList {
LinkedListNode dummyNode;
} LinkedList;
struct tSmartPtrRef {
LinkedListNode listNode;
OwnerPtr pReferenceOwner;
RefObjectPtr pObjectReferenced;
struct tSmartPtr *pSmartPtr;
struct tSmartPtr {
OwnerPtr pObjectRef;
ObjectDestructorFunctionPtr ObjectDestructorFnPtr;
LinkedList refList;
// Initialize singly linked list
static void LinkedListInit( LinkedList *pList )
pList->dummyNode.pNext = &pList->dummyNode;
// Add a node to the list
static void LinkedListAddNode( LinkedList *pList, LinkedListNode *pNode )
pNode->pNext = pList->dummyNode.pNext;
pList->dummyNode.pNext = pNode;
// Remove a node from the list
static bool LinkedListRemoveNode( LinkedList *pList, LinkedListNode *pNode )
bool removed = false;
LinkedListNode *pPrev = &pList->dummyNode;
while (pPrev->pNext != &pList->dummyNode) {
if (pPrev->pNext == pNode) {
pPrev->pNext = pNode->pNext;
removed = true;
pPrev = pPrev->pNext;
return removed;
// Return true if list is empty.
static bool LinkedListIsEmpty( LinkedList *pList )
return (pList->dummyNode.pNext == &pList->dummyNode);
// Find a reference by pReferenceOwner
static SmartPtrRef * SmartPtrFindRef( SmartPtr *pSmartPtr, OwnerPtr pReferenceOwner )
SmartPtrRef *pFoundNode = NULL;
LinkedList * const pList = &pSmartPtr->refList;
LinkedListNode *pIter = pList->dummyNode.pNext;
while ((pIter != &pList->dummyNode) && (NULL == pFoundNode)) {
SmartPtrRef *pCmpNode = (SmartPtrRef *)pIter;
if (pCmpNode->pReferenceOwner == pReferenceOwner) {
pFoundNode = pCmpNode;
pIter = pIter->pNext;
return pFoundNode;
// Commented in header.
SmartPtrRef *SmartPtrMakeRef( SmartPtr *pSmartPtr, OwnerPtr pReferenceOwner )
// TODO: Synchronization here!
SmartPtrRef *pRef = (SmartPtrRef *)malloc(sizeof(SmartPtrRef) );
LinkedListAddNode( &pSmartPtr->refList, &pRef->listNode );
pRef->pReferenceOwner = pReferenceOwner;
pRef->pObjectReferenced = pSmartPtr->pObjectRef;
pRef->pSmartPtr = pSmartPtr;
return pRef;
// Commented in header.
bool SmartPtrRemoveRef( SmartPtr *pSmartPtr, OwnerPtr pReferenceOwner )
// TODO: Synchronization here!
SmartPtrRef *pRef = SmartPtrFindRef( pSmartPtr, pReferenceOwner );
if (NULL != pRef) {
assert( LinkedListRemoveNode( &pSmartPtr->refList, &pRef->listNode ) );
pRef->pReferenceOwner = NULL;
pRef->pObjectReferenced = NULL;
free( pRef );
if (LinkedListIsEmpty( &pSmartPtr->refList ) ) {
pSmartPtr->ObjectDestructorFnPtr( pSmartPtr->pObjectRef );
return (NULL != pRef);
// Commented in header.
bool SmartPtrRefRemoveRef( SmartPtrRef *pRef )
return SmartPtrRemoveRef( pRef->pSmartPtr, pRef->pReferenceOwner );
// Commented in header.
void *SmartPtrRefGetObjectPtr( SmartPtrRef *pRef )
return pRef->pObjectReferenced;
// Commented in header.
SmartPtr *SmartPtrCreate( void *pObjectToReference, ObjectDestructorFunctionPtr Destructor )
SmartPtr *pThis = (SmartPtr *)malloc( sizeof( SmartPtr ) );
memset( pThis, 0, sizeof( SmartPtr ) );
LinkedListInit( &pThis->refList );
pThis->ObjectDestructorFnPtr = Destructor;
pThis->pObjectRef = pObjectToReference;
return pThis;
// SmartPtrs.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SmartPointers.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct tMyRefObj {
int refs;
SmartPtr *pPointerToMe;
bool deleted;
} MyRefObj;
static bool objDestructed = false;
static MyRefObj *MyObjectGetReference( MyRefObj *pThis, void *pObjectReferencing )
// TODO: Synchronization here...
SmartPtrRef * const pRef = SmartPtrMakeRef( pThis->pPointerToMe, pObjectReferencing );
return (MyRefObj *)SmartPtrRefGetObjectPtr( pRef );
static void MyObjectRemoveReference( MyRefObj *pThis, void *pObjectReferencing )
// TODO: Synchronization here...
assert( SmartPtrRemoveRef( pThis->pPointerToMe, pObjectReferencing ) );
static void MyObjectDestructorFunction(void *pObjectToDestruct)
MyRefObj *pThis = (MyRefObj *)pObjectToDestruct;
assert( pThis->refs == 0 );
free( pThis );
objDestructed = true;
static MyRefObj *MyObjectConstructor( void )
MyRefObj *pMyRefObj =new MyRefObj;
memset( pMyRefObj, 0, sizeof( MyRefObj ) );
pMyRefObj->pPointerToMe = SmartPtrCreate( pMyRefObj, MyObjectDestructorFunction );
return pMyRefObj;
#define ARRSIZE 125
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int i;
// Array of references
MyRefObj *refArray[ARRSIZE];
// Create an object to take references of.
MyRefObj *pNewObj = MyObjectConstructor();
// Create a bunch of references.
for (i = 0; i < ARRSIZE; i++) {
refArray[i] = MyObjectGetReference( pNewObj, &refArray[i] );
assert( pNewObj->refs == ARRSIZE );
for (i = 0; i < ARRSIZE; i++) {
MyObjectRemoveReference( pNewObj, &refArray[i] );
refArray[i] = NULL;
return 0;