您应该考虑 Android 固有的一些延迟,但除此之外......
创建一个循环缓冲区。不管多大,只要它对于 N 0 个样本足够大。现在用 N 个“0”样本写出来。
在这种情况下,N 是(以秒为单位的延迟)*(以赫兹为单位的采样率)。
示例:200 毫秒,16kHz 立体声:
0.2s*16000Hz*(2 通道)=3200*2 个样本 = 6400 个样本
您可能也会使用 pcm 数据,它是 16 位的,所以使用 short 而不是 byte。
PCM 先进先出:
public class PcmQueue
private short mBuf[] = null;
private int mWrIdx = 0;
private int mRdIdx = 0;
private int mCount = 0;
private int mBufSz = 0;
private Object mSync = new Object();
private PcmQueue(){}
public PcmQueue( int nBufSz )
try {
mBuf = new short[nBufSz];
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(this.getClass().getName(), "AudioQueue allocation failed.", e);
mBuf = null;
mBufSz = 0;
public int doWrite( final short pWrBuf[], final int nWrBufIdx, final int nLen )
int sampsWritten = 0;
if ( nLen > 0 ) {
int toWrite;
synchronized(mSync) {
// Write nothing if there isn't room in the buffer.
toWrite = (nLen <= (mBufSz - mCount)) ? nLen : 0;
// We can definitely read toWrite shorts.
while (toWrite > 0)
// Calculate how many contiguous shorts to the end of the buffer
final int sampsToCopy = Math.min( toWrite, (mBufSz - mWrIdx) );
// Copy that many shorts.
System.arraycopy(pWrBuf, sampsWritten + nWrBufIdx, mBuf, mWrIdx, sampsToCopy);
// Circular buffering.
mWrIdx += sampsToCopy;
if (mWrIdx >= mBufSz) {
mWrIdx -= mBufSz;
// Increment the number of shorts sampsWritten.
sampsWritten += sampsToCopy;
toWrite -= sampsToCopy;
synchronized(mSync) {
// Increment the count.
mCount = mCount + sampsWritten;
return sampsWritten;
public int doRead( short pcmBuffer[], final int nRdBufIdx, final int nRdBufLen )
int sampsRead = 0;
final int nSampsToRead = Math.min( nRdBufLen, pcmBuffer.length - nRdBufIdx );
if ( nSampsToRead > 0 ) {
int sampsToRead;
synchronized(mSync) {
// Calculate how many shorts can be read from the RdBuffer.
sampsToRead = Math.min(mCount, nSampsToRead);
// We can definitely read sampsToRead shorts.
while (sampsToRead > 0)
// Calculate how many contiguous shorts to the end of the buffer
final int sampsToCopy = Math.min( sampsToRead, (mBufSz - mRdIdx) );
// Copy that many shorts.
System.arraycopy( mBuf, mRdIdx, pcmBuffer, sampsRead + nRdBufIdx, sampsToCopy);
// Circular buffering.
mRdIdx += sampsToCopy;
if (mRdIdx >= mBufSz) {
mRdIdx -= mBufSz;
// Increment the number of shorts read.
sampsRead += sampsToCopy;
sampsToRead -= sampsToCopy;
// Decrement the count.
synchronized(mSync) {
mCount = mCount - sampsRead;
return sampsRead;
你的代码,为 FIFO 修改...我没有使用 TargetDataLine/SourceDataLine 的经验,所以如果他们只处理字节数组,修改 FIFO 为字节而不是短。
private int mBufferSize; // 256
private TargetDataLine mLineOutput;
private SourceDataLine mLineInput;
public void run() {
... creating the DataLines and getting the lines from AudioSystem ...
// short buffer for audio
short[] data = new short[256];
final int emptySamples = (int)(44100.0 * 0.2);
final int bufferSize = emptySamples*2;
PcmQueue pcmQueue = new PcmQueue( bufferSize );
// Create a temporary empty buffer to write to the PCM queue
short[] emptyBuf = new short[emptySamples];
Arrays.fill(emptyBuf, (short)emptySamples );
pcmQueue.doWrite(emptyBuf, 0, emptySamples);
// start recording and playing back
while (running) {
mLineOutput.read(data, 0, mBufferSize);
pcmQueue.doWrite(data, 0, mBufferSize);
pcmQueue.doRead(data, 0, mBufferSize);
mLineInput.write(data, 0, mBufferSize);
... closing the lines and exiting ...