The Facebook timeline seems to display all the feeds in the listview vertically. When the user shares his/her multiple photos, then those photos are displayed in horizontal list view. Has anybody any idea, how this actually works. Because I don't think nesting a horizontal listview within vertical listview works. Nor does the horizontal listview functions smoothly within the vertical scrollbar. So, if anybody has any idea about how Facebook implements its views in timeline, do share it here.
6561 次
2 回答
要为照片使用图库,请查看该示例: https ://
于 2013-02-24T12:32:41.927 回答
这可以使用自定义列表视图来完成。下面的教程涵盖了使用 volley 网络库的 facebook 之类的提要视图
Android Facebook 喜欢使用 Volley 自定义 ListView 提要
于 2014-06-23T06:38:12.730 回答