I have a GridView with a custom view which basically look like buttons. The gridview starts off with no children, and everytime the user presses a button another custom view will be added.
There is some strange behaviour with this. I am drawing some things like text, lines etc on the custom view in onDraw and sometimes they are drawn at all. They are completely blank. The behaviour seems quite random in terms of which views show or don't show the drawn graphics.
I have a feeling it is to do with me setting the layoutparameters. I store the child views in an array once they are created, and in getView() I return the view relevant for the position parameter. So I only ever create buttons for each position once.
So I have two questions.
What am I doing to cause this?
Should I even be using a gridview for what I am doing?
The code for get view is:
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
GridButton button;
GridView gridView = (GridView)parent;
if(childBuittons.size() <= position) //if we need to create a new button
button = createButton(position);
int nWidth = getButtonSize(gridView);
GridView.LayoutParams params = new GridView.LayoutParams(nWidth, nWidth);
else //we already have a button that we created
button = buttons.get(position);
return button;
Some more information: - The gridbutton class is just a class that extends View and overrides onDraw to draw some graphics such as text and lines - What im trying to achieve is a grid of squares that the user can add or remove (although they wont do this often) and then press the squares to perform certain functions - It is possible that there will be more squares than can fit in the screen