我有一个加载图像并在其上应用灰色饱和度的 Flash 项目。图像下方有一个按钮,当突出显示或鼠标悬停在该按钮上时,它会消除饱和度并恢复图像的原始颜色。这在演示模式和独立的 Flash 播放器中运行良好,但是当我尝试在线 (HTML) 页面使用它时,功能的悬停不再恢复图像的颜色。我的代码在下面,我希望比我聪明的人知道问题所在。
function parsXML()
mainGalleryNode = gallery_xml.childNodes[0].childNodes;
path = mainGalleryNode[_root.gallerySel - 1].attributes.path;
lenGall = mainGalleryNode[_root.gallerySel - 1].childNodes.length;
lenCat = mainGalleryNode.length;
for (var _loc2 = 0; _loc2 < lenGall; ++_loc2)
arrayImage[_loc2] = path + mainGalleryNode[_root.gallerySel - 1].childNodes[_loc2].attributes.pic;
arrayThumb[_loc2] = path + mainGalleryNode[_root.gallerySel - 1].childNodes[_loc2].attributes.thumbnail;
arrayTitle[_loc2] = mainGalleryNode[_root.gallerySel - 1].childNodes[_loc2].attributes.name;
arrayDescription[_loc2] = mainGalleryNode[_root.gallerySel - 1].childNodes[_loc2].attributes.description;
} // end of for
} // End of the function
function arrayThumbs()
for (var _loc3 = 1; _loc3 <= lenGall; ++_loc3)
_thumbs._thumbs.attachMovie("thumb", "thumb" + _loc3, _loc3);
var _loc2 = _thumbs._thumbs["thumb" + _loc3];
_loc2.index = _loc3;
_loc2._y = Math.floor(_loc2._height + 1) * (_loc3 - 1);
_loc2._mc._txt.text = _loc2.index;
_loc2.onRollOver = function ()
_loc2.onRollOut = _loc2.onReleaseOutside = function ()
_loc2.onRelease = function ()
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(_mc1._mc, {_saturation: 1, time: 5.000000E-001});
mcLoader.loadClip(arrayImage[this.index - 1], _mc1._mc);
currentIndex = this.index - 1;
} // end of for
counter = 1;
} // End of the function
function menuCat()
for (var _loc4 = 1; _loc4 <= lenCat; ++_loc4)
_category.attachMovie("btnCat", "btnCat" + _loc4, _loc4);
var _loc3 = _category["btnCat" + _loc4];
var _loc6 = _category["btnCat" + (_loc4 - 1)];
_loc3.index = _loc4;
arrayNameGall[_loc4 - 1] = mainGalleryNode[_loc4 - 1].attributes.name;
_loc3._mc._txt.autoSize = true;
_category["btnCat" + _loc4]._mc._txt.text = arrayNameGall[_loc4 - 1];
_loc3._red._width = _loc3._mc._txt.textWidth + 10;
_loc3._red._x = _loc3._mc._txt.textWidth / 2;
_loc3._mask._width = _loc3._mc._txt.textWidth + 10;
_loc3._mask._x = _loc3._mc._txt.textWidth / 2;
for (var _loc5 = 1; _loc5 <= 3; ++_loc5)
_loc3["_arr" + _loc5]._x = _loc3._mc._txt.textWidth / 2 - 5;
} // end of for
_loc3._mask_red._txt.text = arrayNameGall[_loc4 - 1];
_loc3._x = Math.floor(_loc6._x + _loc6._mc._txt.textWidth + intervalCat);
if (_loc4 < lenCat)
_category._breakers.attachMovie("breaker", "breaker" + _loc4, _loc4);
var _loc7 = _category._breakers["breaker" + _loc4];
_loc7._x = _loc3._x + _loc3._mc._txt.textWidth + intervalBr;
} // end if
_category._x = 881 - _category._width;
_loc3.onRollOver = function ()
if (this.index != _root.gallerySel)
btnCatOver(this._red, this._arr1);
} // end if
_loc3.onRollOut = _loc3.onReleaseOutside = function ()
if (this.index != _root.gallerySel)
btnCatOut(this._red, this._arr1);
} // end if
_loc3.onRelease = function ()
if (this.index != _root.gallerySel)
btnCatOut(_category["btnCat" + _root.gallerySel]._red, _category["btnCat" + _root.gallerySel]._arr1);
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(_thumbs._thumbs, {_y: 0, time: 1, transition: "easeOutCubic"});
yPos = 0;
_root.gallerySel = this.index;
mcLoader.loadClip(arrayImage[0], _mc1._mc);
} // end if
} // end of for
btnCatOver(_category.btnCat1._red, _category.btnCat1._arr1);
} // End of the function
function btnCatOver(clip1, clip2)
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(clip1, {_y: 17, time: 3, transition: "easeOutCubic"});
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(clip2, {_y: -6, time: 5.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"});
var _loc1 = new Sound();
} // End of the function
function btnCatOut(clip1, clip2)
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(clip1, {_y: -27, time: 3, transition: "easeOutCubic"});
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(clip2, {_y: -24, time: 5.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"});
} // End of the function
function clearThumbs()
for (var _loc1 = 1; _loc1 <= lenGall; ++_loc1)
_thumbs._thumbs["thumb" + _loc1].removeMovieClip();
} // end of for
} // End of the function
function getDes()
var _loc2 = new Object();
_loc2.onMouseMove = function ()
if (_mask_des.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse))
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(_descr, {_y: 407, time: 5.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"});
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(_descr, {_y: 467, time: 5.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"});
} // end else if
_descr._txt.text = arrayTitle[currentIndex];
} // End of the function
_root.gallerySel = 1;
var lenGall;
var lenCat;
var mainGalleryNode;
var path;
var arrayImage = new Array();
var arrayThumb = new Array();
var arrayTitle = new Array();
var arrayDescription = new Array();
var arrayNameGall = new Array();
var currentIndex = 0;
var descStr;
var titleStr;
var sel = false;
var counter;
var intervalCat = 54;
var intervalBr = intervalCat / 2;
var yPos = 0;
var gallery_xml = new XML();
gallery_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
gallery_xml.onLoad = function (ok)
if (ok)
getDes(); //Shows the Colour view bar
mcLoader.loadClip(arrayImage[0], _mc1._mc);
} // end if
btnTop.onRollOver = btnBottom.onRollOver = function ()
btnTop.onRollOut = btnBottom.onRollOut = function ()
btnBottom.onRelease = function ()
if (_thumbs._thumbs._height > _thumbs._mask._height)
if (Math.abs(_thumbs._thumbs._y) < _thumbs._thumbs._height - _thumbs._mask._height && caurina.transitions.Tweener.isTweening(_thumbs._thumbs) != true)
yPos = yPos - (_thumbs._thumbs.thumb1._height + 1);
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(_thumbs._thumbs, {_y: yPos, time: 5.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"});
} // end if
} // end if
btnTop.onRelease = function ()
if (_thumbs._thumbs._height > _thumbs._mask._height)
if (Math.abs(_thumbs._thumbs._y) > 0 && caurina.transitions.Tweener.isTweening(_thumbs._thumbs) != true)
yPos = yPos + (_thumbs._thumbs.thumb1._height + 1);
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(_thumbs._thumbs, {_y: yPos, time: 5.000000E-001, transition: "easeOutCubic"});
} // end if
} // end if
_descr._btn_color.onRollOver = function ()
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(_mc2._mc, {_saturation: 1, time: 2});
_descr._btn_color.onRollOut = function ()
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(_mc2._mc, {_saturation: 0, time: 2});
var mcLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var loadListener = new Object();
loadListener.onLoadStart = function (mcTarget)
_root.loadImBig = true;
_root._content.pages.page1.page1.attachMovie("mcPercents", "mcPercents", this.getNextHighestDepth());
_root._content.pages.page1.page1.mcPercents._x = _mask_des._width / 2 - 10;
_root._content.pages.page1.page1.mcPercents._y = _mask_des._height / 2 - 25;
loadListener.onLoadProgress = function (mcTarget, bytesLoaded, bytesTotal)
var _loc2 = Math.ceil(bytesLoaded / bytesTotal * 100);
_root._content.pages.page1.page1.mcPercents.txtPercents.text = _loc2 + "%";
loadListener.onLoadComplete = function (mcTarget)
loadListener.onLoadInit = function (mcTarget) //Controls the different tabs at the bottom
caurina.transitions.Tweener.addTween(_mc2._mc, {_saturation: 0, time: 5.000000E-001});