I am required to write a method that returns a number - the amount of times an element is found in a linked list. So far I have;
package Question4;
import net.datastructures.Node;
public class SLinkedListExtended<E> extends SLinkedList<E> {
// returns the number of occurrences of the given element in the list
public int count(E elem) {
Node<E> cursor = tail;
int counter = 0;
if ((cursor != null) && (!(cursor.getElement().equals(elem)))) { //tail isnt null and element is not equal to elem
cursor = cursor.getNext(); //go to next node
} else if ((cursor != null) && (cursor.getElement().equals(elem))){ //cursor isn't null and element equals elem
counter++; //increment counter
else {
return counter; //return counter
return counter;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SLinkedListExtended<String> x = new SLinkedListExtended<String>();
System.out.println(x.count("def")); // should print "2"
System.out.println(x.count("def")); // should print "3"
System.out.println(x.count(null)); // should print "2"
I have extended to a class which compiles correctly, so I know the problem is in my method. I can't figure out what to do, my code returns 0, which is probably the counter integer remaining at 0 and not going through the loop statement. Any ideas are appreciated.
Edit. SLinkedList code:
import net.datastructures.Node;
public class SLinkedList<E> {
protected Node<E> head; // head node of the list
protected Node<E> tail; // tail node of the list (if needed)
protected long size; // number of nodes in the list (if needed)
// default constructor that creates an empty list
public SLinkedList() {
head = null;
tail = null;
size = 0;
// update and search methods
public void insertAtHead(E element) {
head = new Node<E>(element, head);
if (size == 1) {
tail = head;
public void insertAtTail(E element) {
Node<E> newNode = new Node<E>(element, null);
if (head != null) {
} else {
head = newNode;
tail = newNode;
public static void main(String[] args) { // test
SLinkedList<String> list = new SLinkedList<String>();