Process returned -1073741819 (0xC0000005) execution time : 2.344 s
Press any key to continue.
编辑:: 我已经更正了代码,所以它现在可以正常工作,但它没有正确地将每一行的最后一个条目存储在文本文件中。我可以以某种方式显示最后一个条目的数字 100,但是当我尝试传递该位置或仅显示 playList[0][5] 时,它表示它等于下一行的第一个条目。任何帮助都会很棒,我在下面发布了当前代码。
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
void readTextFile( int &Count, string playList[50][5]);
void userAddition( int &Count, string playList[50][5]);
int main()
string decision;
string playList[50][5];
int Count = 0;
readTextFile(Count, playList);
cout << "If you would like to add to the list, Please enter 'Y'. If you would like to exit
please enter 'N'. ----> ";
getline(cin, decision);
if (decision=="y" || decision=="Y")
userAddition(Count, playList);
return 0;
} // End of Main FN.
void readTextFile( int &Count, string playList[50][5])
string inputfield;
ifstream infile("c:\\cTunes.txt", ifstream::in);
if ( infile.is_open() )
// File is read.
} // end if
cout << "Error Opening file" << endl;
return; //Program Closes.
} // end else
cout << setw(30)<<left<< "TITLE"<< setw(10) <<left<<"LENGTH"<<
// Outputs a title to each column that is displayed.
setw(40)<< left<<"ARTIST"<< setw(40) << left<<"ALBUM"<<
setw(15) << left <<"GENRE" << setw(5) << left << "RATING" << endl;
getline(infile, inputfield, '\t'); // read until tab
while(! infile.eof()) // loop until file is no longer valid.
playList[Count][0] = inputfield;
getline(infile, inputfield, '\t'); // read until tab.
playList[Count][1] = inputfield;
getline(infile, inputfield, '\t'); // read until tab.
playList[Count][2] = inputfield;
getline(infile, inputfield, '\t'); // read until tab.
playList[Count][3] = inputfield;
getline(infile, inputfield, '\t'); // read until tab.
playList[Count][4] = inputfield;
getline(infile, inputfield); // read until end of line.
playList[Count][5] = inputfield;
cout << setw(30)<<left<< playList[Count][0] << setw(10) <<left<<playList[Count][1] <<
// Output the line number equal to count.
setw(40)<< left<<playList[Count][2] << setw(40) << left<< playList[Count][3] <<
setw(15) << left << playList[Count][4] << setw(5) << left << playList[Count][5] <<
/*cout <<"Title: " << setw(25)<<left<< playList[Count][0]<<endl;
cout <<"Length: " << setw(5) <<left<<playList[Count][1] << endl;
cout <<"Artist: " << setw(50)<< left<<playList[Count][2] << endl;
cout <<"Album: " << setw(40) << left<< playList[Count][3] << endl;
cout <<"Genre: " << setw(15) << left << playList[Count][4] << endl;
cout <<"Rating: " << setw(5) << left << playList[Count][5] << endl<<endl;*/
Count++; // Increment counter by 1
getline(infile, inputfield, '\t'); // read next line until tab.
} // end while
infile.close(); // close the file being read from.
} // End of readTextFile
我相信 getline 在阅读到行尾时会导致问题,但我真的很茫然。